Saturday, March 11, 2006

Monday Madness

Week One I missed
1. What is the best (and worst) Valentines gift you have ever received?

best-chocolates, crush cans, and balloons from friends and family
worst-the year i got nothing

2. What is the best (and worst) Valentines gift you have ever given?

best-crush cans
worst-kiddie valentines

3. In the past, have you ever sent or received an anonymous Valentines Card? If so, do you now know who sent you the card? And if you've sent one, does the person you sent a card to know it was from you?


4. Have you ever sent an anonymous Valentines and got together with that person afterwards?

never sent one

5. Do you make special plans for Valentines, or is it just another commercial plan to make people spend money?

i dont make plans b/c i'm always single

6. Do you buy, or make, traditional gifts, like red roses and chocolates, or do you like to be different?

i typically just give kiddie valentines

7. Do you think you are with that special someone, are you waiting for that special someone, or is there 'the one that got away'?

i'm waiting for someone special and there is only "the one who hurt me twice that i went back to but never dated" and "the one i dated but shouldnt have"

Week two I missed
Pick a letter from the alphabet, and then make a list of all the boy (or girl), (or both) names, that you can think of, which start with that letter.

I pick G and both.

First boys.

Now girls.

Wow my head is lost today. That's all I've got.

Week Three I missed
1. What time of year do you blog the most?

It doesn't depend much on time of year but more on what's going on in my life.

2. What time of year do you seem to blog the least?

See above.

3. What time of DAY do you do your most blogging?


4. When blog-hopping, do you tend to look at your blogroll list (or fave blogs) to see which ones have been updated, or do you visit your faves on a regular basis regardless?

I check my bloglines and then read some but not all of the ones updated.

5. Do you change your blogroll often?


6. How many times a day, after writing a new post, do you check for new comments?

A time or three.

7. Do you leave comments on others' blogs, or are you more of a lurker?

I'm a lurker lately. Sorry, y'all.

Week Four I missed
1. How many hobbies do you have?

Idk. A couple?

2. Name at least one of your hobbies.

Writing short stories and poetry

3. What do you like about your hobby?

It lets me escape.

4. What keeps you from spending more time on any one of your hobbies?

Schoolwork and lack of creativity.

5. Do you have any hobbies that you haven't taken up yet, but would like to?


6. Have you ever decided to give up a hobby? If so, why?

Not really.

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