Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bible Questionaire

The color of my Bible is~   Burgandy but covered with a rainbow book cover

The Bible version I carry around is~NIV but I don't really carry it with me

I became interested in God at age~ very young. All my life.

 I gave my life to the Lord at age~  about 14 at Christian camp.

 Answer Yes or No Have you ever "backslid"?  Have you backslid more than once? Are you backsliding now? (If you don't know the answer to this question skip)   I haven't really after I prayed the prayer. But I had tried to become a better Christian and then went back to bad habits and sinful ways. I have only backslid once and it was a major one. I'm not reading my Bible and not praying or going to youth group. So I guess I'm backsliding. :-[

 What "Christian/Judeo lingo" did you pick up after becoming a Christian/Jew/Messianic  that you use that most people outside the church don't understand? Born again, saved, witnessing, rapture

Have you ever been involved with a cult or sect that you came out of and realize taught error?  If so, make a list.  Nope.

Which denominations have you been involved with? Baptist and nondenominational

Which denomination are most of your friends from?  Mostof them are Catholic but it doesn't influence my friendship w/them.

Were you ever persecuted for your FAITH?  If so how?  (Give short edited version)   Not persecuted but made fun of once or twice.

Did you ever throw out, burn or tear up anything after you came to the Lord?  If so, what was it?  (You don't have to tell us if you don't want to) : )  I've gotten rid of my Tarot cards (regretted it later, now indifferent) and tried to get rid of my spell book but can't find it!

Has anyone ever told you what spiritual gifts you have?  If so, what did they tell you?  (Don't list what you think you have)  Do you think they were right?  Not in my recollection.

What is your "life's verse", the Bible verse you think defines the course of your life?   I don't think I have one.

What is your favorite book of the Bible?   1 Corinithans, especially Chapter 13

Who is your favorite Bible character?  and  Whose your second favorite? I don't know the Bible well enough to have "favorite characters". 

Do you have any interesting Christian books other than the Bible that you'd highly recommend?   I don't read many books that are non-fictional.

Are you Pre, Post, or Mid Trib?  Or are you Preterist? (Meaning it already happened).  Did I leave out a possibility?   Don't understand the question. 

Do you think there's one, two or no rapture coming?   If God could do anything for you in the end times that would be your biggest wish, what would it be?   One rapture, or catching away, but two resurrections.. First one is at the Rapture, when those dead in Christ will raise first and then we will be caught in the air to meet Christ and the second is at the Judgment Thorn.. where those dead with out Christ face him.  <~stolen from Mary (second part of her answer ommited)

Have you ever seen an angel or demon?    No

What is the bravest thing God ever helped you do as a Christian?  Ummm... probably just to come to Him and trust in Him

How long do you think before the end comes?  Meaning the fulfillment of Matthew Chapter 24?  Just your best guess.  We aren't being prophetic here...  I don't know at all.

Woo! Sunlight in my window! Wow! Time to run.


Thursday, May 19, 2005


You Are 95% Pure! 0 - 19% Pure: If you haven't tried it, it probably hasn't been invented yet. 20 - 39% Pure: You haven't every kinky thing in the world, but you aim to! 40 - 59% Pure: You're a bit of a closet pervert. Who knows what else is in your closet? ;-) 60 - 79% Pure: There's a wild beast in you... somewhere. Let it free 80 - 100% Pure: You're not as innocent as you look - but still pretty innocent! How Pure Are You?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

You Are a Butterfly Tattoo!You're a happy-go-lucky person. You probably have tons of friends and always have a smile on your face.

What Kind of Sexy Tattoo Are You?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Stolen from Dawn

1) Are you more leather and lace or cotton and denim? Mostly cotton and denim with hints of leather and lace.

2) If you could be any animal, what would it be? Probably a cat or a butterfly.

4) Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Uhhh… Mom? No. It was Dad.

5) When was the last time someone did something to surprise you? Lindz is plotting something. Mom got me some pictures of Smokey after she passed.  

 6) Does your love life make you happy? I’m quite content to just flirt my head off with no actual commitment for now. 

7) Are you content with your job? High school student? Content? Ha! 

8) What’s your most embarrassing moment? I don’t typically remember them, thank you very much. 

9) What would your dream home be like? Not sure of the style of it or anything but, enough bedrooms for each of the kids plus one for "Mommy and Daddy" (b/c by the time I get this house, I’ll be a mommy, if not a grandmommy) and a guest room or two. An office/library/study with lots of books on the shelves (aka the walls) and a state of the art computer sitting atop a large mahogany desk. Huge kitchen with enough counter and cabinet space and all modern appliances. Large backyard with a wooden fence, in ground pool surrounded by patio w/furniture, and trampoline. Oh, and a swing set with the good swings that don’t dig into my hips. Some good climbing trees. A music room (good acoustics, piano, etc.) And, uh, bathrooms. A half bath for the guest room, a master bath with a Jacuzzi bathtub and a stand-up shower, and a full bathroom for the kids. I don’t think I’m dreaming too much, do you?

10) How do you handle rejection? Okay but I’d rather not 

11) Any fetishes? (Sexual or otherwise)? Not that I know of. 

12) What are your children’s middle names? Don’t have kids 

13) What’s hanging above your bed? My window at the top of my bed and a canopy above. 

14) Whose ass would you willingly kick for free? *zips lips shut*

15) Are you daring or cautious? Depends on my mood!  <~stolen from Dawn

16) Have you ever had unprotected sex? Never had sex period.

17) What year were you born? 1990

18) Do you own sexy underwear? Nope

19) Is your hair short or long? For me, it’s short. For others, it might be considered long or medium.

20) Ever been convicted of a crime? Never! 

21) Of your fellow journalers, who will be least likely to repost this? No clue. 

22) Do you like your boss? Don’t really have a boss, per se.

23) How often do you clean your house? Very rarely. 

24) Do you have any pets? A kitten.

25) Do you have a nickname? I’ve gotta billion! Sawyer, Tink, Vick, Emmy *cringe*, etc.

Another of Dawn's 20 Questions

1. If you got to ask President Bush one question what would you ask?  "Would you like a pretzel?" jk "Why would you lie about the reasons you sent our men and women to die in Iraq?"

2. Do you think the bride to be who claimed she was kidnapped and filed a phony police report should face criminal charges? Yes.

3. Beach or Pool? Beach

4. If you were giving an expectant mother, like Brittany Spears', some advice what would you say? Follow your instincts.

5. What's been the lamest pick up line you've ever heard? Well, Andrew and I were trading them back and forth one day and then Kate added to it but I've never actually heard one used. But Jake asked if I still liked him. When I said I didn't know, he said "Well, I just wanted to know because my friends are all gonna have girlfriends soon..." and that is the closest to a pick-up line I've come.

6. What's meanest thing you ever said during a break up? Well, I was laughing my ass off during one of 'em.

7. You been allowed to eat one meal and never gain a pound. What do you pick? Ribeye steak, the roadhouse rolls, baked potato, and Edy's Dreamery Chocolate Truffle Explosion

8. What's one chore, as a pet owner or former pet owner, is your least favorite to do?  Clean up after the bathroom parts.

9. Are there any characters in the movies that you think are identical, personality-wise, to you? Not identical but I see bits of me in characters.

10. Recently Fox brought back the TV show, "Family Guy".  What's one TV show you think you would like to see brought back?  Mork and Mindy!

11. Do you remember the pleasant dreams you have? Some of them.

12. If you could change your significant other, or former significant other’s, worst traits would you?  I'd need to have had a significant other to want to change them. Mike and Graeme SO weren't significant and who wants to change God?

13. What's the one thing you do that you know irritates people? Crack my joints

14. Who’s your favorite newscaster? None?

15. What's your significant other's worst personality trait? Again, significant being the key word.

16. Who’s the last person you said, "I love you" to? Mom

17. If you were having a child tomorrow what names would you give him or her? If it were a girl, I'd name her Hope Evelyn meaning "trust/faith" and "lively/pleasant" and if it were a boy, I'd name him Benjamin Christopher meaning "son of my right hand" and "Christ-bearer".

18. Have you picked up a hitchhiker? That involves driving.

19. What's your favorite way to relax? Reading a good book, bubble bath, or just zoning out

20. If you could spend time with one person from your past who would it be? Either Summer (my bff from K-1), Gumpy (my ex-step-grandpa), or Great-Grandpa.

Dawn's 20 Questions

1. What's your favorite store to go shopping in?  Umm… I know this sounds really dorky and all but, the supermarket. Hold your tomatoes! I’ve got a good reason. Candy. In bulk. Thank you very much. And nicolettes!

2. What was/is your favorite subject in school? It changes each year depending on my teacher. Last year it was social studies and this year it’s math and global.

3. You got to spend a week in a fellow bloggers' hometown so where do you go and what do you do?  Uhhh… Not sure. I’ll spend a week in each and do "normal"/touristy stuff. 

4. What's the grossest tv dinner you've ever had?  Sushi and raspberry Snapple.

5. If you could go back in time and meet one historical figure who'd you pick?  Marilyn Monroe 

 6. Name one bad habit you wish you could break?  Cracking my knuckles/shoulders/hips/jaw/knees/thumbs

7. Who was your lease favorite teacher in school? Mrs. Wunder (or was it spelt "Wonder"?) my second grade teacher. B****.

 8. Have you ever stolen anything? A couple bucks from my dad. 

9. What's your current favorite band? Current? The Killers. All-time? Dixie Chicks/Queen 

10. What talent do you most wish you had? Paint/draw/sketch 

 11. Who would you most like to spend the day with at this moment? A masseuse! lol

12. List three blogs you read.  (These are just three random picks.) Just Me, Misery, and Company (Aaron), Friendship, Loyalty, and Love (Meg), and …Or Just the Stirring In My Soul (Bernadette) 

13. Who’s your favorite painter? Uhhh… Picasso

14. Who’s your favorite author? Nicholas Sparks

15. What do you feel is the most important quality in a friend? Chemistry. 

16. Have you started watching any new tv shows? LOST, Revelations, and Desperate Housewives (well, they’re new to me)

17. What tv show do you feel should be cancelled immedately? Among others, WWE wrestling. (sorry guys) 

 18. Log cabin or Beach-front Condo?  Cottage by the beach (Yep, I’m a pain.) 

 19. If you could design the perfect outfit for yourself what would it look like? Well, my boobs would need to grow and my stomach would need to be flat but, kick ass jeans (hug every curve, flare just enough at the end, some unique detail) with my Tink tank and my strappy heels or the clunky boots I’ve wanted for about three years or the "hooker" boots that I don’t have yet

20. If you could add one room onto where you live what kind of room would you add? A bigger bedroom for me! lol 

Saturday Six

1. How many scars do you have on your body?  Where are they? A bajillion and twelve, mostly from bug bites and they’re everywhere!

2. What is the last junk food you ate in such large quantity that you actually felt guilty afterwards? Edy’s Dreamery Chocolate Truffle Explosion

3. What is the closest spot to your home where you go when you feel like you need an afternoon escape? My rock

4. Of those in your collection, what movie have you watched the most times? Probably Moulin Rouge

5. Have you ever felt discriminated against?  What about you do you believe led to the discrimination? No comment.

6. RAPID FIRE QUESTION #3:  Have you ever hired a:
    a. Maid-no
    b. Lawyer-had one appointed to me
    c. Chauffer-no
    d. Plumber-no
    e. Photographer-no
    f. Realtor-not me
    g. Gardener-no
    h. Personal Trainer-no
    i. Psychic/Spirtual Advisor-no
    j. Mortician-*knock on wood* no

50 Questions

1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? Spice Girls

2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Depends on what’s in there

3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? Mostly Moulin Rouge or The Notebook

4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? not sure. possibly liposuction (gosh does that make me sound vain & anorexic! in my mind anyhow)

5. Do you have a completely irrational fear? bugs, edges (like of buildings), the number thirteen

6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? playing with my hair, standing w/my feet or arms crossed or over my stomach

7. Do you like to be on the top or bottom? no comment.

8. Do you have too many love interests? naw. I’m just in a very flirty stage, not a love one

9. Do you know anyone famous? Joey, well, Mom says he’s famous

10. Describe your bed: twin size, lavender sheets, one pillow case lavender and one gray-ish purple, gray-ish purple canopy, window above bed, deep purple fuzz (my blanket), thick Marlboro camping blanket, beige *barf* comforter

11. Spit, swallow or gargle? Are we talking mouthwash here?

12. Who would play you in a movie? (Hello Weekend Assignment!) Probably Sandra Bullock

13. Do you know how to play poker? kinda

14. What do you carry with you at all times? my chapstick

16. Are you happy with your given name? after years of hating it, I love my first and middle name (not so happy with my last name)

17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? no amount of money could do it.

18. If you could only fulfill one of your fantasies, which would it be? to fall in love.

19. What was the last song you were listening to? last one I paid attention to the lyrics was Kelly Clarkson’s Behind These Hazel Eyes.

21. Have you ever been in love? Why do these surveys ALWAYS ask that?

22. Do you talk a lot? Why else would I do this? Cuz I can’t talk enough!

23. What is your favorite position? In a completely non-sexual way, laying down on my bed.

24. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? For the most part

25. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends?  I’d need a boyfriend in order to spend any amount of time with him.

26. What is your ideal marriage location? Somewhere romantic, a beach or something like that or in a (gorgeous) church (with stained glass windows)

27. How many sex toys do you have and which is your favorite? none

28. Favorite fabric? silk or fuzz

29. Something you love and hate. one object or two? I love a lot of people and some things (like fuzz and my pillows) and I hate fighting.

30. Have you ever been tied up in your bed? Only when I get so tangled up in my blankets I can’t get out.

31. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? Do I have a sex life?

32. What's the one language you want to learn? Can’t choose one! French, Spanish, Italian, A(merican) S(ign) L(anguage), German, and more!

33. How do you eat an apple? First, I twist the stem out. Then, I put it in my mouth and chew.

34. What do you order at a bar? A Shirley Temple or a virgin drink

35. Have you ever pierced your body parts? just my ears

36. Do you have tattoos? at the moment, yes :) If you’re really nice, you might just get a picture of it… ;)

37. What is your drug of choice? Allergy medication!

38. What's one trait you hate in a person? Sexism or discrimination of any kind

39. Ever had same-sex sex? Nope and I don’t plan on it.

40. What was your most frivolous purchase? $25 stilettos

41. Do you consider yourself materialistic? no

42. What do you cook the best? pancakes or chocolate covered strawberries or nachos

43. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? depends on the day

44. What kind of books do you like to read? romance, typically

45. If you won the lottery, what would you do? Buy my dream car, my dream house, pay for college for myself and others close to me (Sami, etc.). Anything left and I’m not sure what I’d do.

46. Burial or cremation? Cremation for Smokey, Burial for me. But that ain’t quite happenin’

47. Do you have a fetish? not that I’m aware of

48. What's one thing you're a loser at? I’m not a loser :(

49. How many drinks before you're tipsy? wouldn’t know

50. Do you think you're cute? at times

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Photo Scavengar Hunt

This Week's Photo Scavenger Hunt (#24) will be due on Saturday, May 21, at 8 PM EST. 

This week's idea comes from [her] hubby John.  He wants us to take a photo at night or in the dark using a flash.  It gives an unusual effect to the picture.  It may take some experimentation at first, but he says you will like the way it comes out.  


Above (or to the side or something), you'll see a picture I took Sunday night of the cars in Ali's parking lot. The second picture is that same photo with less contrast or something so you can see the cars.

Visit Krissy at Sometimes I Think.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Sunday Brunch from Mother's Day

"A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never
remembers her age." -Robert Frost

1) What is your birthday, what time were you born, what astrological
sign are you, and what city and state were you born in?

February 20, 1990; 4:27pm; Pisces; Rochester, NY
2) Are there any famous events or famous people that share your special

People-Ivana Trump, Patty Hearst Shaw, and Kurt Cobain
3) What did you do to celebrate your last birthday?

The Lock-in at my (old?) church
4) What is your best birthday celebration that you can remember?

I don't know.
5) What is the best birthday present you have ever received?

Again, I don't know.


Saturday Six from last week (mother's day weekend, i think)

1. What is your single biggest frustration right this minute? My brother who won't leave me alone and my bangs which I recently trimmed that I can see.

2. What classic television show would you most like to see made into a modern-day movie?  What classic movie do you think you'd like tosee remade? No clue. No clue.

3. How many people in your family are war veterans?  Of those, how many have you actually talked to about their experiences in war? I have no clue. Probably only the one (Great-Grandpa). Haven't talked to him because he's not around anymore

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #51 from COURTENAYMPHELAN:  Who do you think is the best author in J-land for poetry?  How about for prose? Everyone whose poetry they've posted is wonderful and as for fictional writing, I don't read much in JLand.

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #52 from COURTENAYMPHELAN: If you haven't put your picture in your journal, would you consider doing so?  If you have, what made you do so? I have on occassion mostly because I wanted to include pictures and the only ones I could find were of me or it was for an occasion (Halloween) and I wanted to show off my costume. Or b/c I felt like it.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #53 from Nyuknyukpik2:  What is your favorite black and white movie and why? Haven't actually watched an entire black and white movie.


What does my birthday mean?

Welcome to my journal! Question for y'all: Isn't there a song that has that line in it? "Wastin' my time"? Cuz I'm just wastin' my time or something... Anyhow, yeah. First entry, comin' right up!

Vickey (of Victoria's Journal "fame" LOL)


Your Birthdate: February 20 Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading. The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group. You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?