Thursday, May 19, 2005

Dawn's 20 Questions

1. What's your favorite store to go shopping in?  Umm… I know this sounds really dorky and all but, the supermarket. Hold your tomatoes! I’ve got a good reason. Candy. In bulk. Thank you very much. And nicolettes!

2. What was/is your favorite subject in school? It changes each year depending on my teacher. Last year it was social studies and this year it’s math and global.

3. You got to spend a week in a fellow bloggers' hometown so where do you go and what do you do?  Uhhh… Not sure. I’ll spend a week in each and do "normal"/touristy stuff. 

4. What's the grossest tv dinner you've ever had?  Sushi and raspberry Snapple.

5. If you could go back in time and meet one historical figure who'd you pick?  Marilyn Monroe 

 6. Name one bad habit you wish you could break?  Cracking my knuckles/shoulders/hips/jaw/knees/thumbs

7. Who was your lease favorite teacher in school? Mrs. Wunder (or was it spelt "Wonder"?) my second grade teacher. B****.

 8. Have you ever stolen anything? A couple bucks from my dad. 

9. What's your current favorite band? Current? The Killers. All-time? Dixie Chicks/Queen 

10. What talent do you most wish you had? Paint/draw/sketch 

 11. Who would you most like to spend the day with at this moment? A masseuse! lol

12. List three blogs you read.  (These are just three random picks.) Just Me, Misery, and Company (Aaron), Friendship, Loyalty, and Love (Meg), and …Or Just the Stirring In My Soul (Bernadette) 

13. Who’s your favorite painter? Uhhh… Picasso

14. Who’s your favorite author? Nicholas Sparks

15. What do you feel is the most important quality in a friend? Chemistry. 

16. Have you started watching any new tv shows? LOST, Revelations, and Desperate Housewives (well, they’re new to me)

17. What tv show do you feel should be cancelled immedately? Among others, WWE wrestling. (sorry guys) 

 18. Log cabin or Beach-front Condo?  Cottage by the beach (Yep, I’m a pain.) 

 19. If you could design the perfect outfit for yourself what would it look like? Well, my boobs would need to grow and my stomach would need to be flat but, kick ass jeans (hug every curve, flare just enough at the end, some unique detail) with my Tink tank and my strappy heels or the clunky boots I’ve wanted for about three years or the "hooker" boots that I don’t have yet

20. If you could add one room onto where you live what kind of room would you add? A bigger bedroom for me! lol 

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