- Baby step::honey, baby step
- Wasted::totally wasted
- Reggie::dabbs
- Pitiful::exsistence
- Acting out::today
- Tomato::tomahto
- Bad night::good night
- Trip::road trip
- Finance charges::suck
- Sport::track
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
Sunday, February 19, 2006
catching up again!
- Right time:: right place
- Funeral:: pyre
- Calculate:: the risk
- Believe me:: i tried
- Chat:: room
- Anniversary:: of death
- Let you down:: again
- Shout:: and twist
- Sweatsock:: smelly gym socks
- Prayer:: works
Patrick's stuffs...
1. Take this test: Out of three tries, what is the shortest time in seconds that you can type the alphabet? (Round to two or three decimal places.)
6.985 seconds
2. If you could have a vacation home anywhere, what location would you choose and why?
ummm idk. someplace tropical
3. What room of your home could most use an organizational expert?
my bedroom!
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What temperment are you? (Thanks to Barb!)
idk cuz i dont go to many
You Have a Melancholic Temperament
Introspective and reflective, youthink about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?
5. What kind of merchandise was sold at the last "going out of businesses" sale you attended? Did you buy anything?
I don't know them!
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised (pleasantly) by a loved one, as in a gift or party or something similar that you weren't expecting at all?
As a general rule, do you like surprise parties or do you prefer notice, and how did you arrive at this decision?
Choose A or B, (indicate which question you're answering!) then either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)
Remember: choose one or the other...not both!
I choose B. Never been to a surprise party but I'd like to have advance notice. Great in theory but I need to (like Patrick) get in the right mindset and make sure I look the right way!
If your Valentine would give you any kind of candy you specified, list up to seven kinds that you'd enjoy for the big day, diets notwithstanding.
1. dark chocolate
2. the truffle things from russell stover (sp?) (my dad got them for me :)
3. baby ruth candy bars
4. dark chocolate oranges
5. peppermint patties
6. ANYTHING chocolate from the patisserie
7. probably almost anything with chocolate actually
1. Doyou have a Valentine this year?
Actually I did. One of my best friends was my Valentine (we figured it out about two weeks before) and then at the end of the day a guy I like asked me if i'd "be his valentine" as he gave me a carnation. (dont read into that.)
2. How will you spend the big day itself?
I spent it feeling bitchy after school but great in school.
3. What are you most allergic to? Do you have to take medication or avoid certain medication to stay well?
the outdoors? idk and i take allegra.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What temperment are you? (Thanks to Barb!)
see above...
5. There is actually a town in my state of birth, South Carolina, called Ninety-Six. What's the most unusual place name in the your home state. (For home state, it can be where you live now or where you grew up.)
6. How much money would you need to really feel secure?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Unorthodox::church
- Skate::free
- Hold on::tight
- Europe::trip
- Reminder::timer
- Gold::silver
- Calcium::supplements
- Rated R::hehe ^_^
- Saturday night::house party
- Tell::me a secret!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I Live: my life confused as hell.
I work: too hard to please others.
I Talk: too much sometimes.
I Wish: I were in shape.
I look: like a drowned rat on a regular basis.
I Find: that my self-esteem is too low.
I Smell: nothing but my hands smell like arzt :)
I Listen: when needed.
I Hide: from the world when I get sick of it.
I Pray: for guidance to get me through.
I Walk: "a step behind/in the shadows so you shine".
I Write: about my feelings.
I see: that my life is spirially out of control.
I Sing: loudly and often.
I Laugh: big and loud and I love it.
I Can: go on the Pill w/o my father's consent.
I Watch: television less often than I used to.
I Yearn: to get in shape so I can do track.
I Daydream: about finding a sweet, caring, straightedge, Christian boyfriend.
I Fall: often!
I Want: to get in shape! I'm okay with my body but I'm totally not fit.
I Cry: all day yesterday on and off.
I Burn: candles and paper and insense.
I read: too much according to some.
I Love: my friends.
I Rode: a horse regularly for about two years.
I Sometimes: want to bash my head into hard surfaces.
I Touch: many things everyday.
I hurt: often :(
I Fear: the dead.
I Hope: for a lot of things.
I break: for Love. :-*
I Eat: too much
I Bathe: in warm water with bath oil when I need to relax.
I Drink: a sip or two when my mom does.
I Stop: myself from murdering some people.
I Save: too much crap.
I Hug: Ricky when I'm really down b/c it makes everything okay.
I Meditate: rarely.
I Play: life with Mag.
I Miss: innocence.
I Hold: myself back when I really wanna smack someone.
I forgive: or rather, I need to.
I Drive: in a week. :)
I Learned: how to resist not self-injury by helping my friends.
I Have: to hear from Ricky before I kill him!
I Don't: want him to have done something drastic.
I Made: myself paranoid.
I Believe: in a thing called Love.
I wait: for Ricky to call me!!!!!!
I Need: to go do my damn homework!
I owe: Mag money, I'm sure.
I Hate: that Ricky hasn't called me!
I Feel: okay right now but that's bound to change.
I Know: Ricky's prolly okay but I need to talk to him to be sure.
I Wonder: where the hell Ricky is!
I applaud : people that overcome their depression and don't fall back into it.
I love: Love.
Seriously, better go do my homework. ::cries::
Sunday, February 5, 2006
Saturday Six
1. How interested are you in this year's Super Bowl game?
It's playing behind me and I'm not listening.
2. How many Super Bowl parties have you been invited to attend? Are you going to one?
One. And I'm at it. It's at my house.
3. What's worse, in your opinion: when the media produces what you consider to be a one-sided story, or when someone who is critical of the media for producing what they think is a one-sided story retells the story telling only one side of it themselves?
The second one.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What kind of weather are you? (Thanks to Shelly!)
You Are Lightning

People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performingWhat Type of Weather Are You?
5. What kind of weather do you find to be the most relaxing?
Light rain but hard enough that I can hear it on my roof as I go to sleep.
6. Consider any television shows you are currently collecting on DVD or are planning to collect. Are there any series that you'd stop collecting at a certain point rather than just collecting the entire run? If so, why?
Ummm idk.
Unconscious Mutterings
- Taking sides::sucks
- Couples::suck
- Right of refusal::huh?
- Marla::uncle john
- Multiple::personality
- Trinity::holy
- Sneeze::bless you
- Sweatpants::rock
- Steve::sex and the city
- Fabulous::darling absolutely fabulous!
Thursday, February 2, 2006
A Weekend with Patrick
List up to seven sounds that make you happy or relax you.
1. Samantha saying "Vickey" and running to hug me
2. My mom telling me I'll do fine on w/e test I'm stressing about
3. My classical CD
4. certain people's voices
5. my friend's making me laugh
6. Kay, this isn't a sound but, too bad. Ricky's hugs
7. The Friday song on WBEE
Someone's about to get their picture taken. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or the one taking the picture, and why?
Of the photos you have on display in your home, not counting yourself, of whom do you have the most photos? Why do you think you have so many photos of this person?
Question A. It depends on my mood and who's taking the picture. The other day I took a ton of myself and loved it and sometimes I love having my picture taken. Other days I'm just really in a "I wanna take pictures" mood so I'd rather take the picture. But most times I'd rather take the picture than have my picture taken.