Friday, June 17, 2005

Stolen from Meg

1.) Whats your bedtime ritual like? Retainer in, contacts out, lotion up legs, read a bit, bedtime

2.) Whats one animal in your life that you have bonded with? What are their names?
Smokey, Tiger, Chyna, Dutchess, Dallas, Peewee, Binky, Spokey, Amber, and more! I'm on my way to bonding with Zuri too.

3.) What talent do you wish you had? To sing. lol but I'm working on that one

4.) What type of weather do you love? hate? Depends on the day/my mood

5.) Whats one sport that you played in which you got really hurt? How?
Never been seriously hurt before in a sport

6.) Tell about a time in which you broke a bone..
I've never broken anything but a nail.

7.) What person in your live has given you the most advice? What were some of their encouraging words? The most advice? Probably my mom. She's always told me to be who I am. Wish I could find that person again.

8.)What do you remember being your most exciting holiday when you were a child? Christmas b/c I was a materialistic child

9.) Whats one food that makes you happy? Godiva dark chocolate

10.) Whats one peice of jewelry you wear 24/7- nothing

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