If you could travel to your own future and see what has changed, what would you hope to see yourself doing ten years from now?
What is the New Year's Resolution that you actually kept most successfully, and how long ago did you make it?
Question B. I wanted to learn to inline skate and the whole family did. This was in like 2nd grade so about 8 years ago.
1. What is your most successful "home remedy" and how did you first hear about or discover it?
Spoonful of sugar to cure hiccups and idk where I got it from.
2. Do you ever use substitutes for food ingredients, like sugar or salt substitutes? If so, which do you use?
Only if I'm out but not like Splenda for sugar
3. How often do you go to a mall or shopping center just to window shop, with no intention of actually buying anything?
Quite often actually.
4. How often in those trips do you actually end up buying something anyway?
Prolly half the time.
5. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What is your biggest social dysfunction?
Your Social Dysfunction:
Being average in terms of how social you are, as well as the amount of self-esteem you have, you're pretty much normal. Good on you.

Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.
Must I add that I hate the term normal and am depressed?
6. What possession would you most like to have by the end of 2006 that you did without in 2005?
A clean room.
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