List up to seven Christmas presents you received this year. If you don't celebrate Christmas or don't exchange gifts for Christmas, then list up to seven gifts you received for your birthday or another special occasion.
1. Both of Sparks' latest books
2. Cell phone
3. Tampons (inside joke/gag gift)
4. Cookies and candy
5. Clothes
6. Legally Blonde 2 (which I plan to return)
7. Overboard (which I wanted last year but am not thrilled about this year)
Tuesday Two (Double) Episode Eleven
Question A:
When is the last time you had to return or exchange a Christmas gift at a store, and how much of a hassle was doing it?
Question B:
Now that another Christmas is behind us, what holiday song will you be happiest to no longer have to hear for another eleven months?
I pick B. Wilbur the Christmas Mouse. Annoying as hell.
Question A:
You see your worst enemy drop a $20 bill. Would you tell him or her, or would you quietly pocket the money.
Question B:
What is your own definition of being "rich" from a monetary standpoint?
I pick A. My worst enemy? I know I should tell him/her but I'd probably pocket it to be quite frank.
Saturday Six Episode 90
1. From a financial standpoint, was 2005 a good year or a bad year for you? Do you expect 2006 to be better or worse?
2005 was a decent year but 2006'll be better. I'll have a job soon.
2. What was your least favorite moment of 2005?
haha umm... everytime I SIed, every moment I hurt over a guy, every bit of time spent mourning
3. Did you lose anyone close to you in 2005? If so, who were they?
What a famous question. Lost my great-uncle, my great-grandma, my two oldest cats, and a guy from my school. RIP Randy, Harriette, Smokey, Tiger, and Charlie
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What do you know about blogging?
Do You Even Know What a Blog Is?

What the heck are you doing at Blogthings?How Much Do You Know About Blogging?
5. Where were you when 2005 began? Where were you when 2005 ended?
I was at my mom's when it started and my aunt's when it ended.
6. Did you make new year's resolutions for 2005? If so, how many did you keep?
Yes and I don't remember how many but I didn't keep any I don't think.
Sunday Seven Episode 18
Don't think of them as Resolutions. Think of them as Goals or even just "Things You'd Like." But list up to seven things you hope to accomplish before 2006 draws to a close.
1. Figure out where Jon fits in my life.
2. Live on fire for God.
3. Get my first kiss.
4. Run a 10:30 minute mile.
5. Get/keep at least a B average in every class.
6. Not SI even one time.
7. Stick to a healthy diet but not go nuts over it.
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