Thursday, June 29, 2006
Weekend Assignment
For those of you in Canada, your favorite July 1st memories will do just fine.
Extra credit: Note your other favorite historical event that happened on July 4th (here's a list). Birthdays/deaths of notable people count as well.
Firstly, as you can tell, I rarely do these anymore (I used to do this every weekend). Now, onto the memories. (I've got two of them. Sorry, I couldn't pick just one.)
1-We always go to the same fireworks, even when we lived in a different town (half an hour from this one). It's a two day celebration (but we only go to the July 4th celebration, not the July 3rd-no fireworks at that one). There's bands and food and games and then, July 4th, fireworks. :) I have ALWAYS hated dancing in front of people but every year, without fail, I was dragged up out of my comfortable seat on the blanket, snacking on some thing we'd brought with us or on fried dough ::salivates:: Either my grandma or my mom would drag me up to dance with them to the covers the band was playing. (Never any original music. Ever. Just covers of songs you could dance to.) I'd barely move. I was so scared that everyone was looking at me that I couldn't dance. I didn't know how to. You see, I never had that carefree childs view that allowed me to just *dance*. I've always been too self-conscious. (Seriously. At my grandma's wedding reception, I cried because my mom made me dance.) But regardless, after a little while, I'd relax a bit, if I didn't sit back down, stubbornly. I still hate dancing but my parents never fought on the 4th of July. Not that I can remember. I'll always remember spreading out the blanket, eating those stupid snacks we brought with us, and being forced to dance. Until it got dark and Mom and I went to get fried dough. To this day, I *have* to get fried dough on the 4th and to this day I never finish it. That was longer than I expected.
2-One year, it kept raining off and on. It was a crapshoot if they'd still shoot off the fireworks. So we went home and got out *our* fireworks. Now, I live in New York. Where all fireworks are illegal. Sofirst we got out the sparklers and us kids (it was my family and my mom's best friend's family-my auntie Lori) played with them for a while til they were gone. (I, stupidly, touched the end of mine and burnt my fingers. Never made that mistake again.) Once it got dark enough, we took the larger fireworks out in the "back 40" (the unfenced in part of our yard) and Dad and Dan (aunt Lori's now ex-husband) set off the fireworks. They nearly set our neighbor's tree on fire too! After that, we went back inside for a bit. The cops kept coming by so we'd have to run inside. Finally, we decided to let off some more but this time women and children stayed on the porch (looking through the windows) while the men set off the fireworks. It was probably one of the most fun Independence Days I've had. It was also the year my dad picked on Jon for having an earring.
That's all I'm going to share.
Extra Credit: I'm a New York girl. I gotta pick the start of the construction on the Erie Canal in Rome, NY in 1817. What can I say? When some of your earliest memories include feeding ducks on the canal, you gotta pick it. Second favorite? NY got rid of slavery in 1827. :)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Sugar rush::sugar high
- Chemical::romance
- Suspension::detention
- Defending::offending
- Conference::all-state
- Dance::dance revolution
- Weather::feather
- Fuel::break
- Heartbreak::jon
- Insult::incest
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Displacement::anger
- Grease monkey::mike
- Vacancy::occupancy
- Conquer::divide and
- Payroll::paycheck
- Personal::fate
- Housewife::desperate
- Lateral::cut
- Tissue::kleenex
- Multiplication::division
Saturday, March 11, 2006
A Weekend with Patrick
1. Do you have a Valentine this year?
I did. I had two. Maggie and Josh.
2. How will you spend the big day itself?
I spent it alone. I think.
3. What are you most allergic to? Do you have to take medication or avoid certain medication to stay well?
I'm allergic to seasonal stuff. I take allegra in allergy season.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What temperment are you? (Thanks to Barb!)
You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.
It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.
At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.
5. There is actually a town in my state of birth, South Carolina, called Ninety-Six. What's the most unusual place name in the your home state. (For home state, it can be where you live now or where you grew up.)
idk (i feel like i've done this before...)
6. How much money would you need to really feel secure?
idk. enough?
Monday Makegood

Oscar Wilde: The Portrait of Dorian Gray. You are a
horror novel from the world of dandies, rich
pretty boys, art and aesthetics, and
intellectual debates between ethical people
and decadent pleasure-seekers. You value
beauty and pleasure but realize their
dangers, as well.
Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday Six
1. What is the most difficult aspect of your current job?
not having one
2. What is the easiest aspect of your job?
not having one
3. How many keys are there on your keyring right now? Are you able to recall exactly what every key on your keyring actually unlocks?
two. yes.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What kind of an elitist are you?

Your CD collection is almost as big as your ego,
and you can most likely play an instrument or
three. You're a real hit at parties, but
you're SO above karaoke.What people love: You're instant entertainment.
Unless you play the obo.What people hate: Your tendency to sing louder than
the radio and compare everything to a
freaking song.
What Kind of Elitist Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
5. What is your least favorite ethnic food, and what makes it your least favorite?
6. If you were a different person, but were to meet someone identical to who you are and how you behave right now, would you likely be friends with that person? Why or why not?
i don't know and hate questions like this
1. Have you given up anything for Lent? If so, what did you give up?
I typically break it but I've given up countless things. This year I'm going for red meat. I broke it once last night but I already knew I would be doing that. It was fabulous and for my birthday dinner. I'm Protestant and went to a Baptist church when I was younger so we typically thought it was a nice notion but didn't have to do it
2. How prepared is your bathroom? Not counting the one you currently have open, how many unopened units of the following do you have waiting in your cabinets?
A. Tubes of Toothpaste -a bunch of sample sized ones
B. Sticks of Deoderant -none
C. Packs of Toilet Paper -packs? none
D. Bars of Soap -idk. 2 or 3?
3. Has a commercial for any specific medication ever prompted you to visit your doctor to discuss either the illness or symptoms the advertised product treats? If so, did you ask the doctor to prescribe that specific medication?
not really
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What part of fall are you? (Hey, since Spring is almost here, why not!)
You Are Changing Leaves

5. Which is more full right now at your home: your kitchen trash bag, your vacuum cleaner bag, your wallet, your stomach, or your car's fuel tank?
either my stomach or my trash bag.
6. If the blog gods imposed some new law that says you could only participate in one regularly-scheduled meme per week, other than the Saturday Six, Sunday Seven or Tuesday Two, which one would you choose? (Leave a link to the most recent edition if you wish!)
prolly unconcious mutterings. they amuse me.
Name up to seven books you own that you've read more than once.
1. The Notebook by Sparks
2. Chicken Soup for the Soul of America
3. Magic by Tami Hoag
4. A Walk to Remember by Sparks
5. A Bend in the Road by Sparks
There are others but I can't remember them right now.
Monday Madness
1. What is the best (and worst) Valentines gift you have ever received?
best-chocolates, crush cans, and balloons from friends and family
worst-the year i got nothing
2. What is the best (and worst) Valentines gift you have ever given?
best-crush cans
worst-kiddie valentines
3. In the past, have you ever sent or received an anonymous Valentines Card? If so, do you now know who sent you the card? And if you've sent one, does the person you sent a card to know it was from you?
4. Have you ever sent an anonymous Valentines and got together with that person afterwards?
never sent one
5. Do you make special plans for Valentines, or is it just another commercial plan to make people spend money?
i dont make plans b/c i'm always single
6. Do you buy, or make, traditional gifts, like red roses and chocolates, or do you like to be different?
i typically just give kiddie valentines
7. Do you think you are with that special someone, are you waiting for that special someone, or is there 'the one that got away'?
i'm waiting for someone special and there is only "the one who hurt me twice that i went back to but never dated" and "the one i dated but shouldnt have"
Week two I missed
Pick a letter from the alphabet, and then make a list of all the boy (or girl), (or both) names, that you can think of, which start with that letter.
I pick G and both.
First boys.
Now girls.
Wow my head is lost today. That's all I've got.
Week Three I missed
1. What time of year do you blog the most?
It doesn't depend much on time of year but more on what's going on in my life.
2. What time of year do you seem to blog the least?
See above.
3. What time of DAY do you do your most blogging?
4. When blog-hopping, do you tend to look at your blogroll list (or fave blogs) to see which ones have been updated, or do you visit your faves on a regular basis regardless?
I check my bloglines and then read some but not all of the ones updated.
5. Do you change your blogroll often?
6. How many times a day, after writing a new post, do you check for new comments?
A time or three.
7. Do you leave comments on others' blogs, or are you more of a lurker?
I'm a lurker lately. Sorry, y'all.
Week Four I missed
1. How many hobbies do you have?
Idk. A couple?
2. Name at least one of your hobbies.
Writing short stories and poetry
3. What do you like about your hobby?
It lets me escape.
4. What keeps you from spending more time on any one of your hobbies?
Schoolwork and lack of creativity.
5. Do you have any hobbies that you haven't taken up yet, but would like to?
6. Have you ever decided to give up a hobby? If so, why?
Not really.
Unconscious Mutterings
- Upgrade::downgrade
- Happy ending::fairy tale
- Stale::dale
- Tripping::lipping
- Working::out
- Explicit::content
- Happy place::find a happy place *nemo*
- Tornado::whorlwind
- Medication::supply
- Muppet::puppet, show
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Baby step::honey, baby step
- Wasted::totally wasted
- Reggie::dabbs
- Pitiful::exsistence
- Acting out::today
- Tomato::tomahto
- Bad night::good night
- Trip::road trip
- Finance charges::suck
- Sport::track
Sunday, February 19, 2006
catching up again!
- Right time:: right place
- Funeral:: pyre
- Calculate:: the risk
- Believe me:: i tried
- Chat:: room
- Anniversary:: of death
- Let you down:: again
- Shout:: and twist
- Sweatsock:: smelly gym socks
- Prayer:: works
Patrick's stuffs...
1. Take this test: Out of three tries, what is the shortest time in seconds that you can type the alphabet? (Round to two or three decimal places.)
6.985 seconds
2. If you could have a vacation home anywhere, what location would you choose and why?
ummm idk. someplace tropical
3. What room of your home could most use an organizational expert?
my bedroom!
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What temperment are you? (Thanks to Barb!)
idk cuz i dont go to many
You Have a Melancholic Temperament
Introspective and reflective, youthink about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.
What Temperment Are You?
5. What kind of merchandise was sold at the last "going out of businesses" sale you attended? Did you buy anything?
I don't know them!
When was the last time you were genuinely surprised (pleasantly) by a loved one, as in a gift or party or something similar that you weren't expecting at all?
As a general rule, do you like surprise parties or do you prefer notice, and how did you arrive at this decision?
Choose A or B, (indicate which question you're answering!) then either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)
Remember: choose one or the other...not both!
I choose B. Never been to a surprise party but I'd like to have advance notice. Great in theory but I need to (like Patrick) get in the right mindset and make sure I look the right way!
If your Valentine would give you any kind of candy you specified, list up to seven kinds that you'd enjoy for the big day, diets notwithstanding.
1. dark chocolate
2. the truffle things from russell stover (sp?) (my dad got them for me :)
3. baby ruth candy bars
4. dark chocolate oranges
5. peppermint patties
6. ANYTHING chocolate from the patisserie
7. probably almost anything with chocolate actually
1. Doyou have a Valentine this year?
Actually I did. One of my best friends was my Valentine (we figured it out about two weeks before) and then at the end of the day a guy I like asked me if i'd "be his valentine" as he gave me a carnation. (dont read into that.)
2. How will you spend the big day itself?
I spent it feeling bitchy after school but great in school.
3. What are you most allergic to? Do you have to take medication or avoid certain medication to stay well?
the outdoors? idk and i take allegra.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What temperment are you? (Thanks to Barb!)
see above...
5. There is actually a town in my state of birth, South Carolina, called Ninety-Six. What's the most unusual place name in the your home state. (For home state, it can be where you live now or where you grew up.)
6. How much money would you need to really feel secure?
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Unorthodox::church
- Skate::free
- Hold on::tight
- Europe::trip
- Reminder::timer
- Gold::silver
- Calcium::supplements
- Rated R::hehe ^_^
- Saturday night::house party
- Tell::me a secret!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I Live: my life confused as hell.
I work: too hard to please others.
I Talk: too much sometimes.
I Wish: I were in shape.
I look: like a drowned rat on a regular basis.
I Find: that my self-esteem is too low.
I Smell: nothing but my hands smell like arzt :)
I Listen: when needed.
I Hide: from the world when I get sick of it.
I Pray: for guidance to get me through.
I Walk: "a step behind/in the shadows so you shine".
I Write: about my feelings.
I see: that my life is spirially out of control.
I Sing: loudly and often.
I Laugh: big and loud and I love it.
I Can: go on the Pill w/o my father's consent.
I Watch: television less often than I used to.
I Yearn: to get in shape so I can do track.
I Daydream: about finding a sweet, caring, straightedge, Christian boyfriend.
I Fall: often!
I Want: to get in shape! I'm okay with my body but I'm totally not fit.
I Cry: all day yesterday on and off.
I Burn: candles and paper and insense.
I read: too much according to some.
I Love: my friends.
I Rode: a horse regularly for about two years.
I Sometimes: want to bash my head into hard surfaces.
I Touch: many things everyday.
I hurt: often :(
I Fear: the dead.
I Hope: for a lot of things.
I break: for Love. :-*
I Eat: too much
I Bathe: in warm water with bath oil when I need to relax.
I Drink: a sip or two when my mom does.
I Stop: myself from murdering some people.
I Save: too much crap.
I Hug: Ricky when I'm really down b/c it makes everything okay.
I Meditate: rarely.
I Play: life with Mag.
I Miss: innocence.
I Hold: myself back when I really wanna smack someone.
I forgive: or rather, I need to.
I Drive: in a week. :)
I Learned: how to resist not self-injury by helping my friends.
I Have: to hear from Ricky before I kill him!
I Don't: want him to have done something drastic.
I Made: myself paranoid.
I Believe: in a thing called Love.
I wait: for Ricky to call me!!!!!!
I Need: to go do my damn homework!
I owe: Mag money, I'm sure.
I Hate: that Ricky hasn't called me!
I Feel: okay right now but that's bound to change.
I Know: Ricky's prolly okay but I need to talk to him to be sure.
I Wonder: where the hell Ricky is!
I applaud : people that overcome their depression and don't fall back into it.
I love: Love.
Seriously, better go do my homework. ::cries::
Sunday, February 5, 2006
Saturday Six
1. How interested are you in this year's Super Bowl game?
It's playing behind me and I'm not listening.
2. How many Super Bowl parties have you been invited to attend? Are you going to one?
One. And I'm at it. It's at my house.
3. What's worse, in your opinion: when the media produces what you consider to be a one-sided story, or when someone who is critical of the media for producing what they think is a one-sided story retells the story telling only one side of it themselves?
The second one.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What kind of weather are you? (Thanks to Shelly!)
You Are Lightning

People will stop and watch you when you appear
Even though you're capable of random violence
You are best known for: your power
Your dominant state: performingWhat Type of Weather Are You?
5. What kind of weather do you find to be the most relaxing?
Light rain but hard enough that I can hear it on my roof as I go to sleep.
6. Consider any television shows you are currently collecting on DVD or are planning to collect. Are there any series that you'd stop collecting at a certain point rather than just collecting the entire run? If so, why?
Ummm idk.
Unconscious Mutterings
- Taking sides::sucks
- Couples::suck
- Right of refusal::huh?
- Marla::uncle john
- Multiple::personality
- Trinity::holy
- Sneeze::bless you
- Sweatpants::rock
- Steve::sex and the city
- Fabulous::darling absolutely fabulous!
Thursday, February 2, 2006
A Weekend with Patrick
List up to seven sounds that make you happy or relax you.
1. Samantha saying "Vickey" and running to hug me
2. My mom telling me I'll do fine on w/e test I'm stressing about
3. My classical CD
4. certain people's voices
5. my friend's making me laugh
6. Kay, this isn't a sound but, too bad. Ricky's hugs
7. The Friday song on WBEE
Someone's about to get their picture taken. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or the one taking the picture, and why?
Of the photos you have on display in your home, not counting yourself, of whom do you have the most photos? Why do you think you have so many photos of this person?
Question A. It depends on my mood and who's taking the picture. The other day I took a ton of myself and loved it and sometimes I love having my picture taken. Other days I'm just really in a "I wanna take pictures" mood so I'd rather take the picture. But most times I'd rather take the picture than have my picture taken.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Catchin' Up
- Long distance::relationships
- Meant to be::we were
- Here::or there
- Endless::torment
- Resentment::frustration
- Insipid::the paunce
- Bunny::rabbit
- Slogan::logan
- Naked::truth
- Sarcasm::plentiful
Energetic at times
Yellow-bellied when it comes to snakes
Patrick's memes
Not counting spam, have you ever deleted a comment to your blog, or can you imagine a situation besides spam in which you would? Would you feel bad about doing so?
Is blogging truly a forum for discussion, or does it still boil down to being about what the individual writer wants it to be about? Why or why not?
Question A. Haven't deleted any comments except spam and can't imagine doing so unless someone became completely disrespectful and insulting to me or another blogger commenting or mentioned.
1. Do any of your friends, family or co-workers know about your blogs? For those that do, did you tell them or have they stumbled upon it by themselves?
Yeah. I've told most of 'em.
2. How did you come up with the title of your blogs?
haha. Wastin' My Time-most of the stuff is a waste of my time.
A Moment That is Mine-those entries are me taking a moment for me
Journal Jar-my journal jar answers
Ma Serie de Crises-my series of crises. details my crises.
Inspired-things I write when I'm inspired
3. Do you prefer to have many projects going on at once or do you prefer multitasking?
Umm those are the same option. I multi-task.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What high school stereotype are you?

Take the What High SchoolStereotype Are You? quiz.
5. What was the hardest thing to master when you were learning to drive?
Haven't learned yet. Not quite 16.
6. How well did you do with that one thing on your very first driver's exam?
Repeat: Not 16 yet.
List up to 7 "dream cars" you'd like to own if money wasn't a factor. You don't have to necessarily choose the most expensive cars in the world, but just don't let cost be a factor in your decision. (Cars can be new or classic.)
1. 1966 red convertible corvette
2. a jeep (dunno why but i like 'em)
3. a mustang :)
4. "how do you spell porsche?" "c-a-r"
I'm outta ideas.
How do you feel about open casket viewings or visitations at funeral homes? Does it bother you to see the decedent or do you feel a more complete sense of closure from it?
If you had a chance to come back long enough to see your own funeral (unseen by the visitors, of course) just to see and hear what was said about you, explain why you would or wouldn't take that chance.
I'll take question A. I don't like dead bodies but it helps others gain closure. Let it be open casket. Who cares? Just don't ask me to get too close.
1. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
2. How many jobs have you held in your life? How many of those were part of your chosen career field?
Haven't. Might get a job soon at the dry cleaner's but it's not my career field.
3. Of those, how many did you leave voluntarily?
Again, never had a job.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What animal were you in a past life? (Thanks to RedSneakz!)
You Were an Eagle

A spiritual being, you tend to go beyond material concerns.What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
5. What animal were you expecting you'd be?
a cat
6. Time to pull this tactic again: Your turn to come up with a Reader's Choice Question. What question would you like to see asked in a future edition of "The Saturday Six?" (Don't answer it...just provide the question.)
haha I don't comment back to Patrick on these so why answer?
Waste of time... yours and mine
15 Years Ago, I:
1. was almost 1 year old
2. couldn't walk yet
3. could talk reasonably well
4.was daddy's little girl
5. loved my new doll, Mariah
10 Years Ago, I:
1.was almost 6
2. was in Mrs. Foro's class and was a total teacher's pet
3. thought my daddy hung the moon
4. still lived in an apartment
5. got Tiger
5 Years Ago, I:
1. was almost 11
2. hadn't been to NYC yet
3. never thought my parents would get divorced despite their fighting
4. had moved to my current town
5. went to church almost every Sunday by myself
3 Years Ago, I:
1. was almost a teenager :)
2. couldn't wait to turn 13
3. contemplated suicide
4. hated being caught in between
5. still went to church every Sunday
1 Year Ago, I:
1. was nearly 15
2. was in the middle of a depression
3. had a broken heart but didn't realize it
4. had been single for all 15 years of my life
5. hated Jon with a passion
4 months ago, I:
1. started my sophmore year
2. was out of my depression
3. liked Josh
4. was getting along with my dad
5. biked to school and froze my ass off
Yesterday, I:
1. wrote a long angry e-mail to Gail
2. thought about calling my mom today
3. was still sorta sick
4. spent the day in my PJs
5. thought about Casablanca all day
Today, I:
1. went out to breakfast at one of my favorite diners
2. watched a bunch of movies
3. am going to experiment w/make-up & hairdos when I'm done w/this
4. checked out the waiters at the restaurant
5. ate too much pasta and bread
Tomorrow, I:
1. have to go to school :(
2. might go to school looking like Jazz Luther
3. will find out my new schedule
4. will flirt with Josh again :)
5. will work on my writing dammit!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Alone::in a crowd and crowded when alone
- Science::experiment
- Deposit::bank
- Faithful::necessary
- Tender::love me
- Chocolate::sundae :)
- Homework::sucks
- Tamper::with the evidence
- Friend::in need is a friend in deed
- Wire::limewire
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
A little late...
2. Did you belong to any clubs in high school? If so, which did you value the most?
Question change: DO you belong to any clubs? and the answer is not this year.
3. Where was your favorite place to hang out when you were in high school? How often were you there and were you usually with friends or alone?
OMG THE CORNER!!!!!!!! And Hots. And the gazebo and the bleachers and the library... Corner and Hots is ALWAYS with friends, gazebo is typically alone, bleachers is typically with Lindz and the library can be either one.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What chess piece are you? (Thanks to Charles.)
An Outer Black Pawn
You scored 2 Power-Finesse, 2 Leader-Follower, 1 Unique-Ordinary, and 2 Offense-Defense! You are a good soldier, the man the Man counts on. Unfortunately, he may or may not care for your well being, and so he will put you out just protect his interests. This you do without question because you are a team player. Bad news for you, because your team, the black team, tends to have to be more defensive in nature, and sometimes has to make hard choices or sacrifices. Guess who just volunteered?

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The What Chess Piece Are You Test written by Gundark27 on <a href="">OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test</a >You scored higher than 15% on Power-Finesse
You scored higher than 19% on Leader-Follower
You scored higher than 2% on Unique-Ordinary
You scored higher than 31% on Offense-Defense
5. When is the last time you played a board game and what game did you play? Did you win?
Yesterday and LIFE and I always lose.
6. You're called to serve on a jury. Would you rather sit on a capital murder case, a personal injury case, a wrongful death suit or a drunk driving case, and why?
Munah idk.
You can have fifteen minutes each with up to seven past presidents of the United States. You can ask them anything you like, and they are required to be honest in their answers. Which former presidents would you choose?
- George Washington
- Abraham Lincoln
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- U.S. Grant
2. I can't seem to catch up on my everything!!!
3. The one surface in my house that always seems to get cluttered fast is every surface in my bedroom.
4. If I sleep past 2pm, I feel that I've slept in too late.
5. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get over Jon.
6. I hope to have my income taxes done by the time I'm dead?
7. This year I'd like to make more time for dating.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
1. What time is it: 1:58pm
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Victoria Elizabeth
3. Nicknames: Vickey, Queenie, Sawyer, Tink, Vickers
4. Piercings: Ears
5. Most recent movie you've seen in the theater: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
6. Eye color: brown
7. Place of birth: Rochester
8. Favorite foods: pizza's always good
9. Ever been to Africa? nope
10. Ever been toilet papering? No
11. Ever love someone so much it makes you cry? yes b/c I don't wanna love him
12. Been in a car accident:? multiple but few (if any) injuries
13. Croutons or bacon bits:? both
14. Favorite day of the week:? Friday
15. Favorite restaurant: roadhouse grill
17. Favorite sport to watch: football
8. Favorite drink: suicides
19. Favorite dessert: godiva belgian dark chocolate
20. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
21. Favorite Fast Food: Wendys or Taco Bell
22. What color is your bedroom carpet: ugly and beige
23. How many times did you fail your driver's test: haven't taken it yet
24. From whom did you get your last email: shelia
25. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? idk
26. What do you do most often when you are bored: go to the same 1/2 dozen sites 50 times, listen to music, talk on AIM
27. Bedtime: During week: 9 to my room, 10 "lights out" and weekend it's supposed to be 10
28. Who will respond to this the quickest? idk
29. Who is the person least likely to respond? again, idk
30. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? again idk
31. Favorite TV shows? LOST
32. Last person(s) you went to dinner with: *thinks* prolly my father
33. Ford or Chevy: haha ford
34. What are you listening to right now? football
35. What is your favorite color: purple
36. Lake, Ocean or river? Ocean
37. How many tattoos do you have? none yet
38. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? idk
39. What job would you not like? something boring
40. When you get to the Pearly Gates, What do you want God to say to you? "Come here, my child."
Unconscious Mutterings
- Paralyzed::with fear
- Bossy::bitch
- Worth::while
- Breathing::deeply
- Uneventful::day
- Return:: trip
- Splint::arm
- Notice::me
- Hero::ic tragedy
- Vulnerable::vulnerability sucks
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Fast Fifteen
I'm in a really bad mood right now and I just royally screwed up my plans for the weekend so before I go have a mental breakdown I'm gonna do the Fast Fifteen.
Fast Fifteen
1. What’s one song lyric that describes you the best? "Oh don't take it all that hard/when she smiles and turns you down/for a complicated girl/she ain't that hard tofigure out" from She Only Smokes When She Drinks by Joe Nichols
2. Do you still color in coloring books from time to time? Occasionally
3. Is there any cartoons, from when you were little, that you think should be brought back on the air? The Fraggles.. wait... they were puppets... never mind
4. Whose your favorite morning show host? Don't watch morning shows
5. How tall are you? 5'2"
6. Where’s the best place in your home state to get a pizza? Northside pizza.. it's amazing!
7. What do you consider the most important traits for a friend to have? supportiveness and intuition (so they can know if I need a hug or to laugh or a shoulder to cry on or w/e)
8. What do you think of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie having a baby? have fun and don't screw him/her up too badly
9. When you eat soup do you eat it with or without crackers in it? depends on the type of soup
10. What was your favorite board game when you were little? Life
11. Where is one place, in the United States, you’d love to visit? Hawaii
12. What is your favorite old-time sitcom? ummm idk. I think I'm gonna hafta go w/Dawn and say "I Love Lucy"
13. Is there any local food that everyone else around you loves but you cannot stand? ummm idk
14. Do you ever feel that you go looking for trouble or trouble goes looking for you? Ummm idk yesterday or the day before I went looking for it. I wanted to get mad and pissed off enough so that I'd feel destructive and get out some of my repressed anger and so I picked a fight w/Lindz and when that didn't work I picked one w/my dad and then wrecked a reindeer. It's now Santa's headless wonder.
15. Describe yourself in one word. Complicated.
Friday, January 13, 2006

But on the inside, you're a total pushover and completely soft.
You're a traditionalist, and you don't change easily.
You're likely to eat the same doughnut every morning, and pout if it's sold out.What Donut Are You?
My favorite doughnut and I didn't even cheat or anything!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
A Weekend with Patrick
If you could travel to your own future and see what has changed, what would you hope to see yourself doing ten years from now?
What is the New Year's Resolution that you actually kept most successfully, and how long ago did you make it?
Question B. I wanted to learn to inline skate and the whole family did. This was in like 2nd grade so about 8 years ago.
1. What is your most successful "home remedy" and how did you first hear about or discover it?
Spoonful of sugar to cure hiccups and idk where I got it from.
2. Do you ever use substitutes for food ingredients, like sugar or salt substitutes? If so, which do you use?
Only if I'm out but not like Splenda for sugar
3. How often do you go to a mall or shopping center just to window shop, with no intention of actually buying anything?
Quite often actually.
4. How often in those trips do you actually end up buying something anyway?
Prolly half the time.
5. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What is your biggest social dysfunction?
Your Social Dysfunction:
Being average in terms of how social you are, as well as the amount of self-esteem you have, you're pretty much normal. Good on you.

Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.
Must I add that I hate the term normal and am depressed?
6. What possession would you most like to have by the end of 2006 that you did without in 2005?
A clean room.
Monday Madness
1. Name 1 type of supplement that you take.
Fish oil.
2. List 2 books that you would like to read in 2006.
The DaVinci Code and Marly's Ghost
3. List 3 hobbies that you have.
Reading, writing, singing
4. List 4 gifts that you have received.
cell phone, sparks' lastest books, clothes, chocolate
5. Share 5 (instant & inexpensive) ways to spruce up a room.
fresh flowers, new paint, clean surfaces, "shiny sink", and new sheets
Sunday, January 8, 2006
Unconscious Mutterings
- Better off::next time
- Girls::rule boys drool
- Uniform::catholic school
- Classified::ads
- Hard::knock life for us
- Kitty::kat
- Team::player
- Massive::depressive (thinking manic i guess instead of massive)
- Depressed::psychologist
- Award::giver
Sunday, January 1, 2006
A Weekend with Patrick
List up to seven Christmas presents you received this year. If you don't celebrate Christmas or don't exchange gifts for Christmas, then list up to seven gifts you received for your birthday or another special occasion.
1. Both of Sparks' latest books
2. Cell phone
3. Tampons (inside joke/gag gift)
4. Cookies and candy
5. Clothes
6. Legally Blonde 2 (which I plan to return)
7. Overboard (which I wanted last year but am not thrilled about this year)
Tuesday Two (Double) Episode Eleven
Question A:
When is the last time you had to return or exchange a Christmas gift at a store, and how much of a hassle was doing it?
Question B:
Now that another Christmas is behind us, what holiday song will you be happiest to no longer have to hear for another eleven months?
I pick B. Wilbur the Christmas Mouse. Annoying as hell.
Question A:
You see your worst enemy drop a $20 bill. Would you tell him or her, or would you quietly pocket the money.
Question B:
What is your own definition of being "rich" from a monetary standpoint?
I pick A. My worst enemy? I know I should tell him/her but I'd probably pocket it to be quite frank.
Saturday Six Episode 90
1. From a financial standpoint, was 2005 a good year or a bad year for you? Do you expect 2006 to be better or worse?
2005 was a decent year but 2006'll be better. I'll have a job soon.
2. What was your least favorite moment of 2005?
haha umm... everytime I SIed, every moment I hurt over a guy, every bit of time spent mourning
3. Did you lose anyone close to you in 2005? If so, who were they?
What a famous question. Lost my great-uncle, my great-grandma, my two oldest cats, and a guy from my school. RIP Randy, Harriette, Smokey, Tiger, and Charlie
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What do you know about blogging?
Do You Even Know What a Blog Is?

What the heck are you doing at Blogthings?How Much Do You Know About Blogging?
5. Where were you when 2005 began? Where were you when 2005 ended?
I was at my mom's when it started and my aunt's when it ended.
6. Did you make new year's resolutions for 2005? If so, how many did you keep?
Yes and I don't remember how many but I didn't keep any I don't think.
Sunday Seven Episode 18
Don't think of them as Resolutions. Think of them as Goals or even just "Things You'd Like." But list up to seven things you hope to accomplish before 2006 draws to a close.
1. Figure out where Jon fits in my life.
2. Live on fire for God.
3. Get my first kiss.
4. Run a 10:30 minute mile.
5. Get/keep at least a B average in every class.
6. Not SI even one time.
7. Stick to a healthy diet but not go nuts over it.
Unconscious Mutterings
- Celebrate::good times come on
- Resolve::to do good
- I need to::get a life
- Call::jon
- Token::of my affection
- Brand::name
- Comparison::contrast
- Far away::someday i'll fly away
- Artful::artistic
- Fantastic::dramatic