Tuesday, August 9, 2005

mostly fives (from Patrick's Place)

Ten years ago (August 1995):
I was a proud big sister to my not yet annoying one year old brother and I was about to start kindergarten with Mrs. Foro (most amazing teacher ever).

Five years ago (August 2000):
I honestly have no clue. I still lived in Hicktown and was awaiting starting fifth grade with Mrs. Janzak.

One year ago (August 2004):
Waiting to go into my freshman year. Geez. Trying to find someone who had lunch sixth period with me.

Sayid slept over and we had a marvelous time in the tent. I taught her some HTML gargon and she got mad at Jack.

I got up at 7:30 after about 4 hours of sleep (I'm so wired it's nuts) and by 8:30 was functioning. From 1:23 to 2:00 exactly, I was outside walking in the horrid Rochester heat. I got back (with Lindz) and we went down to the pool (where the cute but geeky male life guard was working and staring at me). Lindz left around 4 after I washed my hair and tried on clothes. I ate dinner and packed and now I'm at my grandmother's. We walked her dog and I'm taking over her computer.

I'm running errands with Gramma.

5 Snacks I Enjoy:
Microwave Kettle Korn, Godiva ice cream, nachos, chocolate anything, and iced capicino from Tim Horton's

5 Bands/Singers that I know the lyrics of most of their songs:
I don't know. Depends on the CD and the year. Reba, Randy Travis, and Tim McGraw are probably high on that list.

5 Things I Would Do With $100,000,000:
Pay off my parents debts, make an account for Samantha, Joey, and I to all go to college full boat, buy the *perfect* car, and save for a rainy day

5 Locations I’d Like to Run Away to:
NYC; Washington, DC; England; Egypt; and Germany

5 Things I Like Doing:
Reading, writing, typing, algebra (so I'm weird. sue me), and talking

5 TV Shows I Like:
LOST (duh), Strong Medicine, General Hospital, Everwood, and Joan of Arcadia (even if it did get cancelled)

5 Famous People I’d Like to Meet:
Tom Brady (hotness), Atoosa (inspirational), Nicholas Sparks (amazing writer), the first female president of the United States (historical), and Marilyn Monroe (controversial and sexy and glamourous) (I know she's dead)

5 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
Sami, Zuri, long walks, writing, Road Runner

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