Sunday, August 7, 2005

Saturday Six

1. Besides your parents or siblings, what family member do you most resemble?

Depends on who you ask. I've been told I look like my paternal grandmother. She told me I'm getting my dad's dad's mom's nose. I just think I look like a blend of my family. Not always a good thing, not always a bad thing.

2. Check out this
interesting website:  Is your hometown newspaper featured?  What is the top headline of that paper or the one closest to you?

Not my town but, my city. Rochester's paper is. The D&C is what people here call it but, it's the Democrat and Chronicle. The headline is "Area beaches offer pleasure, problems"

3. If you knew it was completely tame and there was no danger, what zoo animal would you most like to pet or come into physical contact with?

Koala bears! Because I used to read this book called Kaylie's Song about a Koala that loved to sing! I have it upstairs.

4. Take this
quiz:  How weird are you?


You Are 50% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?

5. Which of the following causes more stress in your life:  your spouse, your kids, your boss, your co-workers, your friends, your parents or other relatives?

No spouse. No kids. No boss. No co-workers. Got friends. Got parents. Got relatives. Gonna hafta say my parents though.

6. You find an old lamp containing a genie:  the genie decides to give you a single improvement for yourself, mind or body.  It must be somethingto improve within you and no one else.  What would you ask the genie to fix?

Damn. Good question, Patrick. I would ask the genie to... how to phrase this... help me be realistic but postive about my body. I would realize when something looked horrid on me but, I wouldn't think "Ewww. I'm so fat." or "My thighs are huge." 'Cause, newsflash. I am beautiful. I'm not perfect and I'm not "really really hot" but am beautiful. And no, this is not my ego talking.


Time to go eat some perogies coated in sour cream. Yummy! (Talk about fattening though. Opps! Damnit. Genie! I'd like to make my wish now.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my YUM!  Perogies with sour cream!!!  yum!  I like to cook them in butter until they're kind of crispy and then dip them in sour cream.

...and you are beautiful, it's not egotistical to like yourself :)  ...and wierd too, but that's a good thing!  normal is bland :)
