1. A reader to "Men's Journal" recently wrote about technological innovations, stating that there isn't any gadget he couldn't live without: "To see how vital technology is, spend a few days in the backcountry without your phone, pager, PDA, laptop, cappuccino machine, or MP3 player. You'll emerge cleansed and refreshed." Could you go a whole week really roughing it with no modern conveniences? Would you want to?
If I could have indoor plumbing and books, I think I could. But I wouldn't want to.
2. What is the most you've ever paid for a:
A) Shirt-something like $22
B) Pair of Shoes-not sure but aprx. 20 something
C) CD or Album-maybe 20 bucks
D) DVD-I don't have too many of these and I haven't bought any myself
E) Book-like 20 bucks
F) Vacation-I don't pay for vacations but I did pay $50 for clothes for my DC trip which is the most that's come out of my pocket for a trip, ever
3. Looking back at the answers to#2, which one was the most foolish?
The shirt but the vacation should have come out of my dad's pocket, not mine
4. Take this quiz: Which snack food are you?

What Snack Food are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
5. There are three wells: Love, Beauty and Creativity. If you could only drink from one of them, which would you choose and why?
Love. I couldn't live without love. I'm not hideous and I like the way I look so beauty wouldn't help me much (well, it would get more guys to notice but then I couldn't tell if they wanted me for me or for my looks). I have enough creativity to create my stories and art and do my homework. But love is never enough.
6. If you were another person, do you think you would be friends with the person you know as yourself?
If I were another person, I guess I'd be friends with the person I know as me but, I'm probably not really like that.
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