Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My thoughts

Abortion:  I believe it is every woman's choice but, if given the choice, I wouldn't have one. The only cases I believe I would *consider* it is in the cases of rape or medical risk to the mother or child. Late term abortion should be, and is, illegal.

Prostitution:  Should be illegal.

Alcohol:  Ummm.... should be harder to get underage so that I don't run in to my 13 year old cousin drunk (yep, it happened)

Marijuana:  No comment. I won't do it but, I don't know what to say about it.

Other drugs:  No comment.

Gay Marriage:  It's not hurting me. Let God deal with the issue of homosexuality being sinful, not us mortals.

Illegal Immigrants:  Not buggin me but, they must be illegal for a reason.

Smoking:  Ick! Gross. I'd never kiss a smoker and I won't smoke. Horrid habit.

Drunk Driving:  is horrid. Don't do it. It kills innocent people.

Cloning:  If you can clone parts so that the issues of lack of organ donors is less prevalent (but not clone the person and use them for parts like in The Island), okay. But other than that, no.

Racism:  sucks.

Premarital Sex:  is the reason I'm here. I won't do it and I don't encourage it but, if you're in love, I'm not going to say it should be illegal.

Religion:  Let everyone believe what they want, how they want so long as they don't push it on you and they don't have to kill to do it.

The War in Iraq:  Saddam had to be stopped but, Bush shoulda been honest. "We're going to Iraq b/c we can't find OBL. Saddam is doing horrid things and he must be stopped but this has no link to 9/11 and there are no WMD."

Bush:  reminds me of a Pharisee.

Downloading Music:  No real opinion.

Legal Drinking Age:  21 is okay, I guess. I can wait til then.

Porn: Ick. But seriously, I don't know. Just no children involved or able to watch it.

Suicide: sucks. Just don't do it. Ask for help. I know it's hard sometimes but, just find one thing to get you through. One person, one activity, one hope.

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