You are Trisha.
Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
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You chose brown eyes. Brown eyed people are normally very romantic. You
love to daydream, and sometimes you get
confused with your own fantasies over reality.
You are pretty outgoing, but some days, all you
want to be, is alone, reading, or thinking by
yourself. You have many talants, and you will
probably have a very important job when you're
The Eye color personality test
brought to you by Quizilla Water You are 38% Extroverted and 50% Chaotic Virtue - Water people exhibit benevolence. These type people are charitable, have a kindly disposition and promote goodwill. They are concerned with the welfare of others. Where other people are concerned they are kind, generous and philanthropic. They seldom harbor hostility. They derive pleasure from doing good deeds. Core - They are cooperative, companionable, hospitable and socialable. They are true humanitarians and are concerned with the welfare of other people. They are called servants or servers because of their unselfishness and sincere devotion to the welfare of humanity. They unconditionally come to the aid of the sick and the unfortunate just as they would for one of their own family, and most often ask nothing in return. Nature - They have strong feelings and sensibilities. They tend to make decisions based on their emotions rather than by reason. Although they are emotional in nature, they do not outwardly express it. Their feelings are hurt easily but they tend to not let it show. Drives - They are deeply concerned about the welfare of their friends and family. They also care about what other people think and say about them. An insensitive remark from someone can hurt their feelings deeply, although they may not show it. They give of themselves and their material possessions freely to help a less-advantaged person gain confidence and stature. They will go all out where close friends or family is concerned. It is not easy to make friends with a them because they are skeptical and naturally shy. They will be generous and kind to a certain point, but when you gain their confidence you will have an all-weather friend who will stand by you through your struggles. Vice - They will suppress the truth by words, writing and conduct to do damage to another. This is not spite. This is their non-violent way of getting their revenge. Milder cases include stretching the truth a little, not exactly untrue but not the real truth. They are emotional people and tend to get carried away in the heat of a situation. These people are not prone to physical violence normally, but being of an emotional nature and having the tendency to let things build up inside them, they can become extremely abusive.
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