When you were in high school, if you could have picked any age to jump to and stay that age forever, which would you have picked and why?
Do you feel your present age now? In other words, do you feel that you are younger, older or right at your actual age emotionally and physically, and why?
I pick B since I can't exactly answer A. I do feel 15 most days. Physically, I feel 15 almost all the time. Mentally, I vary between 2 and 35. Emotionally, I think I'm a bit older than 15 but, who knows? I don't feel old. My body might hate me some times and right now I can't walk properly (bruise on my leg that kills) and my shoulders are out and my hips and my back hurts but these things don't make me feel old. They make me feel like I need my chiro though! Mentally, I can be immature and bratty or I can be too mature. I've had numerous people comment on "I can't believe you're only 15". Come February, you can't say that though! I'll be Sweet Sixteen! hehehe ^_^ I go nuts over guys like most 15 year old girls but I also care about politics and religion and a dozen other things a lot of 15 year olds don't care about. For now, I have to go be mature and finish the bio homework that's due tomorrow. Great question, Patrick!
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