Thursday, November 17, 2005

Friday Five

1) What is your favorite noise to hear?

Samantha say "I love you so much"

2) If you could live in any era of time, what would you choose and why?

Umm.... gosh. Hard to pick. The 50's? 60's? 80's? or Laura Ingalls time? Can't pick. All hold some allure.

3) You just found $50 while cleaning your house. Where do you decide to spend it?

Ummm.... Probably out to dinner.

4) What magazines to you subscribe to/read on a normal basis?

Me personally? CosmoGIRL! Seventeen and I used to get Sweet 16. Dad gets Maxim and Joey gets Sports Illustrated for Kids I think

5) If you could witness any event in history, but not change anything about it, what would you choose and why?

The JFK assassination. And I wanna know what happened FOR SURE

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