I've never gone completely alone.
2. What was the last non-sexual thing you did around the house completely naked?
Ummm... *thinks* probably either getting ready to go out or just existing. Like as in I just went about what I had to do naked.
3. How well do you know your neighbors? Would you like to know them better or not know them?
I've got two immediate neighbors and a complex full of others. I know NOBODY. I kinda knew John and Megan but they moved and I've got new neighbors that moved in like yesterday.
4. Take this quiz: How much of a conspiracy nut are you?
<br ="">You are 42% Conspiracy Nut

You are a little bit of a conspiracy nut. You know about the big conspiracies - but it doesn't take up too much of your time. You have accepted that people lie, and get away with everything - so you don't dwell on the loch ness monster too often.
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com
5. Of the following "conspiracies" mentioned in that quiz, which single one would you most like the "truth" about and why?
JFK b/c I'm obsessed w/it.
6. If you had to create a slogan that defined your life, what would it be?
*thinks pretty damn hard, takes a break to go eat breakfast and will answer when she's eaten*
Life goes on.
That's the best I can come up with and it's sucky. Oh well.
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