Saturday, November 12, 2005

High school

Got this from Stacy.

1. What size town did you go to High school in? Firstly, still in high school. It's a decent size. There's like 500 ppl in my class alone so that's like 2000 in the school?

2.  What was your high school mascot?  I'd rather not say just in case somebody crazy wants to hunt me down and kill me. If you *really* wanna know, e-mail me and I *may* reply back.

3. What group did you belong to in, cheerleader, sports, nerds, loners, wanna bes?  I'm just "normal". I mean, I'm not popular but I'm not completely outcast. I'm not a trackie or a jock of any sort. I'm just kinda normal I guess. I wouldn't have it any other way.

4.  Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?   Depends on the year. My math teacher (Stewart) was my favorite teacher last year. This year I like my bio teacher (Schembri) but I don't *love* anyone of them.

 5. How old were you when you were first seriously kissed?   Okay, lovelies, I'll let you know when I get my first kiss.

6. What were your school colors?   

Again, I'd rather not answer. You really wanna know, ask. I might tell you.

7.  How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in high school?  I've only had one.

8. What was your favorite subject?   Depends on the teacher and the people but, Chorale is always great.


9. Did you ever skip class? Did you get caught?   Once, I did. Went to Tardy instead of class. Didn't get caught since you have to sign in.

  10.If you could tell kids in high school one thing you learned there what would it be? Could we please quit it with the flipping bomb threats? And could y'all stop treating the hallways like a hotel room? Thank you. ::that sickly sweet ultra-fake Barbie smile::

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