1. What is your name? (Or what name do you go by here?)
Victoria but I go by Vickey
2. Where are you from?
upstate NY
3. When did you make your first Journal (here in J-Land)?
Ummm late May of 2003?
4. What was/is the name of your AOL Journal?
Victoria's Journal and now A Moment That is Mine (this is an alternate J)
5. What meaning does the title of it have?
it's part of a Britney Spears song but it also shows that my J is where I come to get a moment for myself.
6. What types of things do you share in your Journal?
7. What do you appreciate most about your readers?
They're such great friends. Always there when I need them
8. When you are Journal browsing, what is it that gets your attention?
Not really sure.
9. What Journal gives you the best laugh?
Depends on the day
10. What Journal inspires you the most and gets you THINKING about things?
inspiration comes from many in different forms. the journal that gets me thinking most is probably alex and he's on myspace
11. What Journal is the most eye-appealing to you (colors, graphics, pics and set up)?
I think everyones journal is appealing in its own way! <~ stealing Meg's answer
12. What J-Landers have you connected with as friends, as well as readers? Any shout outs you'd like to share?
Most of my readers are my friends too.
13. What kind of things would you like to see in the J-Land Community as far as writing styles, subjects and or topics?
I like to see everyone being themselves.
14. What would you like AOL to do to improve its Journals?
spell check, HTML tutorial?
15. Five Journals you visit (please include links so we can visit them).
see sidebar
16. What do you like about keeping a journal?
that is who i am. this is my life in my words. i like to express myself and vent.
Meg from Friendship, Loyalty, and Love
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