Friday, October 28, 2005

Friday Five

1. If you had all the money in the world and could choose to own anything, what you would get and why?

I don't know. I honestly don't know. I don't have many physical things that I crave. I suppose the perfect house and my '66 red convertible corvette.

2. If you were to do something that scares you, what would it be?

Bungee jumping. It would terrify me to put my life in the hands of a bungee cord and jump head-first of a bridge or w/e but it would thrill me so much! I can't wait to do it.

3. What was your first pet?

my Smokey. ::tears::

4. What's the farthest you've traveled?

Washington, D.C. (about 400 miles from here)

5. If you were a season, which one would you be and why?

Autumn or the first few weeks of winter before it gets gray and boring. Autumn is beautiful and romantic and I am definitly romantic and I think I'm beautiful. Before it gets monotonus, winter is beautiful and tranquil and pure. And it's so picturesque.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Jumpin on the bandwagon

Two Names You Go By:
1. Sawyer
2. Vickey

Two Parts of Your Heritage

1. Polish
2. Apache

Two Things That Scare You
1. CF
2. bungee-jumping (but I can't wait to do it)

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. my contacts
2.  a smile

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. my JR hoodie
2. my sneakers

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
1. The Killers
2. Jewel

Two of Your Favorite Songs (at the moment)
1.   Somebody Told Me- Killers
2.   2 am (breathe)- Anna Nalick

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than
Real Love)

1. chemistry
2. acceptance for who i am (even when i'm all red from getting waxed)

Two Truths (confessions)
1.  I had writer's block for at least a week but I think it's over now.
2.  My nails are orange and glittery.

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1.  Eyes
2.  Hands

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1.  reading
2.  writing (when I don't have writer's block)

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1.  courage to tell that guy how I feel
2.  to never need to get waxed again

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1.  Tour of the US
2.  Italy

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Fall head over heels in love as though I'd never been hurt before
2. Have children with the love of my life

Two ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1.  I wear tight jeans and low-cut shirts.
2.  I can be vain and take forever to get ready.

Two things you wouldn't normally admit
1.  The guy in my English class is named JJ and I'm going to ask him for coffee or something soon.
2.  I'm on that border of pro-life and pro-choice where it's hard to distinguish.


vickey is the author of love letters to my baby
vickey is our behind the scenes "guru"
vickey is a broadband savvy
vickey is victor's greatly favored daughter
vickey is a third
vickey is also a volunteer for a political party
vickey is now in
vickey is not only creative
vickey is in love with her gift
vickey is a songwriter <~I really do write songs.
vickey is warm to him
vickey is wood
vickey is not joking
vickey is easy to work with
vickey is still her
vickey is still looking for the cause and hopefully a cure
vickey is a senior
vickey is the rude two
vickey is waiting eagerly
vickey is devoted to design and was talented in it
vickey is an artist
vickey is both compelling and heart warming
vickey is the fly guy as usual who falls for bobby's screen wife kareena or priya
vickey is doing in her post
vickey is mine <~::cringe:: Jake said that. ::cringe::
vickey is spending the night at michelle's tonight
vickey is a patient
vickey is gone
vickey is wrong
vickey is a very petite green
vickey is in a grave
vickey is a amateur model


victoria is too hot
victoria is cool
victoria is likely to contain fewer children but more old people change in the number of people aged 0 to 17 years
victoria is also a woman with conflicted feelings
victoria is just a 15
victoria is freezing in winter
victoria is on a bus with her aunt when they meet carl manning
victoria is frustrating
victoria is physically a very beautiful city
victoria is the disruption to your schedule
victoria is the exciting
victoria is nicknamed "the city of gardens"
victoria is such a great place to live
victoria is no longer in service

and that is all for now.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sunday Seven

There are five letters of the alphabet not involved in hurricane names.  Apparently, no one wanted to show the love to the letters Q, U, X, Y or Z.  Pick one of those five letters and come up with seven names, male and female, that you'd use for hurricanes.  (Six names would be required for the current set of six lists, and the seventh name would be a back-up in case one of the first six needs to be retired.)

Zaria. (means Princess in Latin)

And that is my Sunday Seven.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


First best friend: Michelle
First true friend: Tori
First car: don't have one (still got a couple months til I get my permit)
First kiss: waiting impatiently
First break-up: 7/6/05
First screen name: QTKat1234
First self purchased album: Shania Twain
First funeral: none (da je vu! i swear i've been in this situation before)
First pets: smokey my cat
First piercing/tattoo: my ears
First credit card: none yet
First true love: only that which i feel for my family and friends
First enemy: idk
First big trip: ummm Niagra Falls I think. second grade.
First music you remember hearing in your house: idk
Last car ride: coming home from shopping with my gramma for shoes :)
Last kiss: probably when i kissed Ali on the forehead a week ago
Last good cry: idk. oh, yesterday.
Last library book checked out: Practical Magic, Chocolat, and something else
Last movie seen: Chicago
Last beverage: apple cider
Last food consumed: currently eating a pizza bagel for dinner
Last crush: this guy in my english class
Last phone call: lindz
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my falling apart sneaks
Last item bought: sexy boots
Last annoyance: my brother ragging on me about "keeping the money" (it was mine to begin with)
Last time wanting to die: a long long time ago, thank God
Last time scolded:earlier today

r e l a t i o n s h i p s

01. who are your best friends? let's start with the ladies who lunch... jack, sayid, and russo. add lindz, mag, and ali. plus others i can't recall and then b, michael, sara, dawn, promise, meg, and way too many more to list. (sry if i didn't include u)

02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no :(

f a s h i o n | s t u f f

01. where is your favorite place to shop? payless
02. any tattoos or piercings? just ears for now
s p e c i f i c s

01. do you do drugs? only, like, advil
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? thermasilk. ick.
03. what are you most scared of? divorcing. not finding true love. being forgotten.
04. what are you listening to right now? my idiot brother, me typing, and the football game
05. where do you want to get married? a gorgeous church or somewhere nice outside
06. how many buddies are online right now? 30 but some ppl have more than 1 sn
07. what would you change about yourself? my will power and amount i procrastinate

f a v o r i t e s
01. color: purple
02. food:chocolate, sweets, pizza bagels, hibachi chicken
03. boys' names: Garrett, Michael, Issac
04. girls' names: Isabella, Esperanza, Jasmine
05. subjects in school: depends on the teacher but over all, math and english and chorale
07. sports: ick (mostly)
08. perfume: my mom's. exclaimation.
09. cologne: my dad's. drakar noir

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

01. given anyone a bath? my little sister
02. smoked? nope
03. bungee jumped? no, but i want to
04. made yourself throw up? no, but i came close last night
05. skinny dipped? not yet
06: ever been in love? no
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no. i can't cry on demand but instead of holding back my tears, i'll make 'em more dramatic to get out of trouble
08. pictured your crush naked? no
09. actually seen your crush naked? no
10. cried when someone died? yes.
11. lied? too often
12. fallen for your best friend? he wasn't exactly my best friend but he sure was a great one
13. been rejected? idk
14. rejected someone? yes. guys've asked me out and i said no.
15. used someone? prolly

c u r r e n t

clothes: socks, purple sweats, 3/4 length shirt, and a scarf :)
music: nothing. just the dryer run with my clothes and my keys hit the keyboard. it's nice. quiet.
make-up: remains of two lipsticks i bought today and HAD to see how they looked, blush, under eye crap, and eye shadow
annoyance: my arms hurt from typing but i can deal with that
smell: nothing really
favorite artist: ummm Picasso, Monet, Jackson Pollock
desktop picture:
wonder if that'll work. if not, it's "gold petals"
cd in player: keith urban
dvd in player: no dvd player
color of toenails: hot pink

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched: my gramma?
you imed: lindz's cell
you kissed: ali's forehead a week ago

a r e | y o u

understanding: I try to be <~stealing meg's answer
open-minded: yes
arrogant: not mostly
insecure: too often
interesting: yes
hungry: not at the moment
smart: does high honor roll make you smart?
moody: yes
hardworking: ish
organized: not enough
healthy: not enough
attractive: yes
bored easily: no
responsible: mostly
obsessed: with blogging, guys, and make-up
angry: far far too much
Sad: not right now
disappointed: not now
happy: no but i'm content
hyper: not today but i can be off the walls hyper
trusting: too much
talkative: when i'm hyper
legal: is 15 and 8 months legal?

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

kill: nobody but i might say i wanna
slap: that slut
look like: marilyn monroe. only brunette. and less of a breathy voice.
talk to offline: my mom, my sister, a bunch of JLand friends that I'd like to meet

r a n d o m

in the morning i am: exhausted
all i need is: true love
love is: a many splendored thing love lifts us up where we belong all you need is love.
i dream about: true love

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

coke or pepsi: generic cola!
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: taller than me <~omg so stealing meg's answer since that's what i always put!

r a n d o m
what do you notice first: smile and eyes <~another answer i'm stealing
last person you danced with: one on one? josh
worst question to ask: "do you hate me?" or "are you mad at me?"
who makes you laugh the most: JACK!
who makes you smile: sami, zuri, ray, jack, sayid, russo
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: josh but it's not that good funny feeling anymore. it's a "idk how i'm supposed to act around my bff's ex-bf who i had a major crush on but i don't anymore and i danced with him and now he's just trying to screw some freshman slut" feeling.
who do you have a crush on: cute guy in my english class
who has a crush on you: I dont know, but i think the cashier at wegman's (who was in my 5th grade class) thought i was cute

d o | y o u | e v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: not all night but for hours
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
wish you were younger: yes. seven seems to hold this magical charm.

n u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken: once majorly
of hearts i have broken: none i know of
of guys i've kissed: none
of girls i've kissed: zero
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: at least 5, prolly more
of cds i own: over 30
of scars on body: numerous ones from bug bites
of guys you want at the moment: at least one

That's it. I gotta go pack. Ugh. My silence has just been broken by a moron using the bathroom. Silence resumes and I gotta go pack and then do the hw I've put off all weekend.

Saturday Six

1. How many products throughout your home are labelled "antibacterial."

I know my soap is.

2. As a general rule, and assuming any required knocking on wood, how often do you get anything more serious than a sniffle or mild cold?

I only get sick enough to stay home from school maybe once or twice a year. And I only get a sniffle or a cold that's not allergy related a couple times a year.

3. John Scalzi ran this story about research that suggests the increased use of "antibacterial" products aren't necessary for people who are generally healthy, and might be causing the creation of "superbugs" that are resistant to antibiotics.  Are you more likely to avoid these products after reading about studies like this?

Nope. The only thing I know is antibacterial is my bath soap and I kinda have to use this brand. (It makes me less tempting to mosquitoes and I'm allergic.)

4. Take this quiz:  Will you pass the U.S. Citizenship Test?
You Passed the US Citizenship TestCongratulations - you got 9 out of 10 correct!Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test? 
5. Now that the gas prices have dropped just a little (but nowhere near enough), what's the most you've paid for a gallon of gas so far?

I don't pay for gas? $3.09 says my dad

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #76 from Psychfun:   What was your favorite cereal as a kid?  When was the last time you had a bowl of it?

Umm... idk. I think I liked Fruit Loops. I haven't had any in a while. Couple months, I guess.

Saturday, October 22, 2005



What's your given name (first and middle)? Victoria Elizabeth

What's your nickname(s)? Vickey, Sawyer, Tink

What's your LEAST favorite nickname(s)? umm.... Fred ::cringe::

What's your FAVORITE nickname(s) or what you prefer to be called? Sawyer always gets me in a good mood when yelled across the hallway but call me Vickey. (And Tink is only when I'm uberhappy.)

Do you know anyone with your name? I know people named Victoria (my old bff for example) but nobody named Vickey.

Do you like your name? Yes. I love it.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Isabella Rae.

What's the coolest name of someone you know? Uhh... Samantha.

What's the coolest name of a celebrity or someone you've heard of? uhhhhh........ idk

If you found out that you were going to have a kid tomorrow, what would you name it if it was a boy?  Garrett Michael

A girl? Elizabeth Rae

Were you named for anyone? Elizabeth is for my maternal grandmother

What was your name going to be if you were the oppostite gender? Joseph Lee


Book? The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Subject? Chorale

Sandwich? turkey w/mayo and provalone on white or turkey w/american and ranch on an english muffin

Music? country

Color? purple

Website? uhhhh cross between livejournal, xanga, and myspace

Game? the ones i play with gene's emotions hahaha

Day of the week? friday

Season? autumn

Sport? pole vaulting?

Quote? "death cannot stop true love. it can only delay it for a while."


TV channel? abc

Swear word? damn and/or f***

Ice cream? anything chocolate

Flower? lilacs

Food? pizza

Animal? kittens and koala bears

*Would you ever...*

Eat a bug? for enough money

Kill someone? depends on the circumstances

Change clothes in front of an open window? i've done it before

Sing in public? yes!

Dance naked in public? hahaha no

Commit a crime? which one?

Eat a cupcake whole? sure, why not?

Put pineapple on your pizza? yeah, it's good

Call your crush and hang up? yeah if i knew he didn't have caller id

Call your crush and tell them you like them? what've i got to lose?

*Which of your friends...*

Is the funniest? jack

Do you tell your dreams to? depends on what the dream's about

Do you tell your fears to? depends on the fear

Do you go to for advice? depends on the subject

Knows everything about you? lindsay

Do you tell your secrets to? lindz and the ladies who lunch

Is the most shy? alison

Is the loudest? do i count?

Can't you live without? lindz and the ladies who lunch

Is the most trendy? none of 'em

Can be the most annoying? you. jk

Lives the farthest away from you? ummmm.... i can't remember where all my JLand friends live but, out of the ones i know IRL, it'd have to be Liz

Lives closest to you? lindz at her dad's

Are you most like? a bit like everyone

*Would you ever...*



Meet someone from the internet? yeah, somebody from Jland

Get drunk? yeah

Get high? yeah

Go skinny dipping? yeah

*High School and beyond*

Are you in high school or college? high school

What's your school's name? i'd rather not say

What grade/year are you in? i'm a sophmore.

What's your school's mascot? an eagle

How good is your football/basketball/soccer/baseball team? varsity? varsity football is suspended for the year.

Do you like your school? mostly

How far from home is it? takes me 10 minutes to bike there depending on traffic

What's your favorite class? chorale

If you're in college -

What's your roommate's name?

Do you like them?

Do you get along with them?

Do you miss high school?

Do you keep in touch with your high school friends?

If you're in high school -

Do you have a lot of classes with your friends? uhh... depends on the friend but i have at least one friend in every class except bio

Do you eat cafeteria food? you mean rat poison? far too often

Do you know what college you want to go to? at the moment, i think columbiauniversity but idk

Do you think you're going to miss your friends when you go to college? of course!

Do you know of any of your friends who are going to the same college as you? none of us know for sure where we're going

Do you think you're going to keep in touch with your friends from high school? yes. we've been thru too much together to lose touch.

Are you looking forward to graduation, or are you scared? i'm terrified.

Do you have a major yet? uhhhhhhhhh no? high school.....


Yes, I'm killing time. Yes, I'm trying to distract myself. I'm in one of my "I want romance at any cost" moods. They're not the greatest...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment #82: What was your favorite bedtime story as a child?

Extra Credit: As an adult , have you shared that favorite bedtime story with a child?

This one took me just a minute to think of the answer. I asked my dad and he couldn't remember but I *knew* I'd had one. At the same moment, it came to us both "The Selfish Giant". I loved this story and as I grew older, I realized that the little boy symbolized Christ. It's by Oscar Wilde and my story came in a book called "Hilda Boswell's Treasury of Children's Stories" and I only ever read *my* story until I was about 10. Then I discovered the rest of the book. Every story is wonderful but, the selfish giant holds a place in my heart. I did a google search and found the text online. The part that shows the little boy is a Christ figure is this: "For on the palms of the child's hands were the prints of two nails, and the prints of two nails were on the little feet.

"Who hath dared to wound thee?" cried the Giant; "tell me, that I may take my big sword and slay him."

"Nay!" answered the child; "but these are the wounds of Love."

"Who art thou?" said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child.

And the child smiled on the Giant, and said to him, "You let me play once in your garden, today you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise."

It made me cry when I realized what it meant. But I won't get into the religion aspect of it *right now*. It was always my favorite story when I was little. I remember when I was Daddy's Little Girl and he would read it to me. Even after I learned how to read, he'd still read it to me. Oh, and I like my book better than the internet version of it. Because it's got cute little drawings and it's what was always read to me from.

Extra credit: Still a kid here peoples. But I plan on sharing the entire book with my children when I grow up.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sunday Seven

Pull a couple of items off your pantry and cupboard shelves.  Pick items that you eat fairly regularly.  (You might be able to get seven answers from one single item, depending on what you choose.)  Now list up to seven things in the Ingredients that you don't recognize.  It's an interesting way to see what you're eating...whether you like it or not!

Kay, it's a little late but, screw that. Let's go see...

Maltodextrin (Dad's Instant Coffee), Carrageenan (part of cream in the caramel wraps), Momcalcium phosphate and ammonium bicarbonate (both part of leavening in goldfish), tetrasodium pyrophosphate (marshmallows), and I just hit the motherload. In a slim-fast optima creamy milk chocolate shake, I don't recognize...

gum arabic.
calcium caseinate.
potassium phosphate.
soybean lecithin.
pyrodoxine hydrochloride.
chromium chloride.
sodium sleente.

Yes, I realize some of these are repeated and no I don't eat all of these regularly. But I used to drink the slim-fast drink every morning! What have I been putting into my body!?


A- Age of your first kiss: Still waiting.

B- Band you are listening to right now: I'm listening to Rooftop by Melissa Somebody.

C- Car you drive: Can't drive for another four months.

D- Drink you drank last: Water

E- Easiest person to talk to: Depends on what it's about. Like if it's about SI or anorexia or depression, I talk to people through my journals, typically. If I talk to anyone in person, I'll talk to Lindz mostly. And if it's about guys, I'll talk to Jack, Sayid, or Russo. And then there's the mulitude of other things that I talk about to other people too. And I also talk to my mom about a lot of stuff.

F- Favorite ice cream: Currently, brownie swirl.

G- Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Gummy otopi. :)

H- Height: Let's go with 5'2".

I - instruments - I play a little piano and I've always wanted to learn more piano, guitar, and violin.

J- Junk food: Zebra cakes, fudge, chocolate, and caramel apples.

K- Kids: Yes. I want kids but not for another 5-10 years. (Five is pushing it. Ten is more likely.) And I won't have one until I'm married to the love of my life. I never want to be in the situation of having to choose to give up my baby or abort or be a single mother. I never want that. I want at least two. And at least one little girl.

L- Love or not: I. Want. True. Love.

M- Mom's name: Tinamarie. But everyone calls her Tina.

N- Nicknames: Sawyer, Tink, Vickey, Pumpkin, apparently Princess Vickey

<~Thanks for the graphic, B!

O- One wish: To find the right person for me. Both my "next northern star" and my One True Love

P- Phobia: Being forgotten, moths

Q- Quote: I choose two that I just found. "Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." and "Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within." Both by James Baldwin.

R- Reasons to smile: Samantha, my bracelet :), the cute guy in my English class, and music

S- Shoe size: 7-ish

T- Time you woke up today: too late. about 6:20am

U- Unknown fact about me: When I get nervous, my teeth chatter.

V- Vegetable[s]: cucumbers, corn, mashed potatoes :)

W- Worst Habit: I swear, SI, overeat, or deprive myself of sweets and meals.

X- X-rays you've had: My chest apparently

Y - Years since you've been to church: Too long ago. :-[

Z-Zodiac sign: Pisces

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Saturday Six

1. Who was the last person you send flowers to?  Who was the last person to send you flowers?

I've never sent flowers. My dad got me a dozen pink roses for my 13th birthday.

2. What is your favorite single piece of furniture in your home and why?

My bed because it's so comfortable and warm and soft. I have the best bed in this house. :)

3. You are given the chance to model clothing in a catalog.  What type of clothing would you most want to model and why?

Umm... interesting question. I'm gonna say jeans because I *love* jeans.

4. Take this quiz:  What is your "power color?"
Your Power Color Is IndigoAt Your Highest:

You are on a fast track to success - and others believe in you.

At Your Lowest:

You require a lot of attention and praise.

In Love:

You see people as how you want them to be, not as how they are.

How You're Attractive:

You're dramatic flair makes others see you as mysterious and romantic.

Your Eternal Question:

"Does This Work Into My Future Plans?"
What's Your Power Color? 
That's too true for an online test.

5. What product are you mostly likely to buy in bulk?  Have you figured out whether you actually are saving money by doing so?

Chocolate. hehe Love chocolate. And I've never actually bought anything in bulk.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #75 from Mortimer:  Now that winter is approaching, what is your ultimate comfort food? What guilty pleasure do you eat that is sinfully not good for you but, you can't get enough?

My comfort food is anything deep dark chocolate. Since it's cold, I tend to go for hot chocolate or hot cider. And once again, anything chocolate is not good for me but I cannot get enough.

Think I've got chocolate on the brain? lol See ya next time!


I AM: pissed off and trying to distract myself because I am the one with every right to be in this damn family and not his slutty bimbo bleach-blonde whore of a girlfriend
I WANT: to just enjoy my favorite time of the year with my friends and, hell, even my family but not her
I HAVE: feelings I cannot describe
I WISH: I could figure my life out
I HATE: not knowing where I stand with someone
I MISS: knowing who i am, where i stand, and who my true friends are
I FEAR: never finding true love
I HEAR: my asshole of a father vacumming
I SEARCH: for a feeling of security and contentment
I WONDER: who that blonde slut was last night (different blonde slut than the one referred to previously)
I LOVE: the taste of a chocolate mint shake, the smell of leaves changing colors, the sound of Chorale singing around me, the sight of Samantha running to grab me, the feel of being safe
I ALWAYS: wish life were how I wanted it when I should be worrying about how God wants it
I DANCE: when I'm in a kick ass good mood
I SING: constantly
I CRY: and soak through numerous tissues
I AM NOT ALWAYS: who I wish I were
I WRITE: about everything I can put into words
I CONFUSE: myself far too often
I SHOULD: go take a shower and get over this shit
MY FATHER IS: an asshole.
MY MOTHER IS: amazing
WHAT UPSETS YOU?: my father

You keep a diary: true
You like to cook: sometimes
You have a secret: true-who doesn't
You set your clock ahead a few minutes: true
You bite your fingernails: false
You believe in love: true

DO YOU....
Have a crush: yes
Think/know you've been in love: no
Want to get married: some day
Have any tattoos? not yet
Piercings/where?: one hole in each ear (pierced three times)
Get motion sickness: sometimes
Think you're a health freak: occasionally
Get along with your parents: not at the moment
Like thunderstorms: i love them with all my heart


Your Love QuoteDeath can not stop true love, it can only delay it for a little while.What Love Quote Suits You?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday Five


1.  When you were in school, favorite subject and why.

I am in school and my favorite subject changes based on the class and the teacher. I always love whatever musical classes (aka singing) I take. In eighth I LOVED social studies because my teacher was GREAT. He's also the head football coach. For a guy his age, he looks really good. Honestly. And he always teased everyone just the right amount. In ninth I loved math because I had Stewart. And he always picked on Lindz and I just the right amount and flirted-ish just the right amount and taught really well and let Lindz and I laugh and talk so long as we got our work done. And ninth grade math is mainly algebra which I love. This year, I don't particularly care for any of my classes but there's this hot guy in my English class (who I asked for the notes today instead of asking one of the girls I know in that class hehe ^_^) who makes it worth it.

2.  Were you a good student? What were your grades?

I'm a good student most of the time. If I apply myself, I can get an A. My grades range from B- to A+.

3.  Do you attend your kids Open Houses and if you don't have kids, did your parents attend your Open Houses when you were in school?

My parents really don't go to my open houses. They did when I was little but haven't in years.

4. The teacher who made the most impact on you and why.

Ummm....I'm gonna go with Mrs. Foro. She was my kindergarten and first grade teacher and I loved her. I was totally teacher's pet. Hell, she went to my birthday party when I turned 6! lol She was really nice and kind and treated me as an adult. I was really advanced as a child and she let me do first grade work in kindergarten and then some second grade work in first grade. She tailored things to my level more than most teachers would have. Another teacher that impacted me negatively was Mrs. Wonder. I had her for second grade and she is the one that made me detest school. I hated it. I firmly believe the only thing that ever challenged me all year was ONE math packet and Opprotunity. (Opprotunity was a class for advanced students grades 3-6 but because I was so unchallenged in my class and so smart-not to be concieted but I was-they let me in in the 2nd grade.) She was horrid. As wonderful as Mrs. Foro was, Mrs. Wonder was that bad (or worse).

5.  How many different elementary schools did you attend growing up?

Two. My first elementary school was K-6 and I went there til a few months into fifth. Then I moved here and went to elementary for a year. Then they had a middle school (6-8) and now I'm at the high school (9-12). So two elementaries, one middle, and one high school.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Quiz from Liz

  1. Name : Vickey
  2. Fav. Color : purple
  3. fav. Animals: cats, horses
  4. do you have pets?what do you have:  down to two cats. Chyna and Zuri
  5. Interests/hobbies?:  crocheting, reading, writing, singing
  6. 1 thing you dislike doing: waking up at an ungodly hour every day
  7. 2 places you want to go to in the future: Venice and London
  8. 3 things you want: to be able to breath on a regular basis, to get completely unsick, and to not want to SI ever again!
  9. 4 friends you trust: Jack, Sayid, Russo, Lindz
  10. goals for this year: run a 10:30 minute mile by next fall, keep up my grades, stay in honors bio even though it's incredibly difficult, get a good shrink

In order to keep my grades up, I better go finish my hw. In order to get unsick, I better go rest up. And in order to stay in honors bio, I better start that lab before Sunday night since it's due Monday.


Take the quiz: "The Halloween Quiz!!!!!"

You are the with that everyone pictures cackling over a bubbling cauldron. Most people think of you as evil, powerful and dark. But don't be sad, they just misunderstand you. They'd think different if they actually knew you. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Victoria, your lucky charm is a Good Luck Troll!

There's something about you that just brightens up a room. It's only fitting that your personal charm is as fun as your good luck charm, the Good Luck Troll.

These pot-bellied, big-eared, wild-haired, naked little creatures can lighten the mood almost as easily as you do. Whether they are perched on the end of a pencil, gazing down from the bookshelf or riding along on the dashboard, these "so-ugly-they're-cute" trolls bring good fortune to those who truly appreciate their power.

Often mentioned in the same breath as Pet Rocks, Sea Monkeys and the Slinky, Good Luck Trolls aren't just another fad rescued from oblivion. They come from the enchanted forests of Norway, where it was believed glimpsing a real troll would yield years of good luck. These miniature imitations are easy to spot and even easier to laugh at. And that's the point: nothing bad can happen when you're laughing.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tuesday Two


Think about the last person you were dishonest with who still doesn't know you were dishonest.  What would it take to get you to admit the truth?


A close relative dies after having revealed that she has been lying about something that would affect the whole family...a paternity issue, for example.  Having revealed this information to you on her deathbed to clear her conscience, she makes you promise not to reveal the truth to anyone.  Would you keep that promise?

Okay, I'm goin' with question A. Now honestly, let me think about who that was. (I don't lie often.) It was probably to Lindz about Josh. She asked me how much I liked him and I said "a little". What would it take for me to admit the fact that I like him one hell of a lot? Her to back off of him and stop feeling anything for him. And stop snogging him. That's the only reason I don't tell her exactly how I feel about him or that the reason I'm so happy this afternoon is because HE HUGGED ME FOR NO REASON! Because I know she'd get jealous and defensive about it. Regardless of what she says. (Considering the circumstances, I'd think she'd lay off guys for a while but that's just me.)


Sunday, October 9, 2005


1. Male or Female?


2. Favourite colour?


3. Favourite food?

i honestly don't know

4. Celebrity crushes?

multiple ;) Jude Law ::squee::, Tom Brady, Orlando Bloom, and prolly a dozen others :)

5. Hair colour?

brown w/red highlights

6. How old ae you?

nearly 16 :)

7. How much do you weigh?

I think between 105 and 110

8. Do you like rock music?


9. Have you ever broken something and blamed it on someone?


10. What did you dream about last night? 

i know i dreamed about something but i can't remember it

11. Britney or Christina? 

ew and ew

12. Cakes or cookies?

cookies :)

13. KFC or McDonalds?


14. Do you want a tattoo?


15. Have you ever tried voodoo? 

voodoo? as in putting pins in a doll to cause harm to another? no

16. Do you wish you were thinner?

yes. i'm fine with the number on the scale but i wish it were distributed differently

17. What is the time right now?


18. Have you got a pet?

yep. Zuri. lives at my mom's

19. What’s worse falling over in front of your crush or breaking wind in front of them?


20. Have you got a piercing?

two. one per ear

21. Describe yourself in three words

fed up, cynical, and multi-faceted

22. Do you believe in aliens?

i believe i'm living in a house full of them

23. Do you believe in ghosts? 


24. Do you like Halloween?

love it

25. How many teeth are in your mouth?


26. Can you sing?


27. Do you like playing dare games?


28. Are you a liar?


29. Have you got drunk before?


30. Have you got a religion?


31. How many fingers am I holding up? 


32. Can you roll your tongue?


33. What’s your favourite sport?


34. What’s your favourite flavour ice cream?

"can you tell me tell me this?"

35. Do you have any fillings in your teeth? 


36. Can you send this survey to hundds of people by email? 

could. won't.

37. Would you ever go outside in your pyjamas? 


38. Could you tell me your sizes of shoes and clothes?

6 1/2-8 and no

39. Do you think self labelling is wrong?


40. Do you have anything which makes you individual?

my beliefs are unlike those of anyone i've ever met

41. Do you smoke?

only second hand and it's really pissing me off instead of calming me down

42. How old is your mother?

never ask a lady her mother's age

43. What was your favourite toy when you were a child?

my dolls

44. What is your favourite band?

Five Star Riot (Charlie's band)

45. What did you get for Christmas?

my coat :)

46. Have you got a phobia?


47. Do you bitch about anyone and if so who?

yes. my father, my brother, my best friend

48. What is the worst form of punishment you could think of for a murderer?


49. Have you got a wrong or right answer?

%&#$*# off and die?

50. Heard of The Darkness, this great band from England?

heard of 'em. but never heard em

51. Do you wear glasses?

yes but i prefer my contacts

52. Have you got a boy/girlfriend?


53. Have you got an enemy?

yep. my father

54. Favourite film?

Moulin Rouge

55. What’s your saying?


56. Can you count to 9,737,859 (nine million, seven hundred and thirty seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty nine)?

If I wanted to (hahaha growing more cynical instead of less as this goes on)

57. Do you have a habit? 

Everyone has %&&$#*%ing habits dumbarse

58. Can you describe your bedroom?


59. What kind of shampoo do you use?


60. Sick of chain letters? 


61. Do you have any qualifications?

for what?!

62. Could you tell me any joke? 

see the weekend assignment

63. What’s your favourite fragrance?

Still by JLo

64. Do you like comedy movies?


65. Do you get stressed?

i am right now

66. What is 689,689 multiplied by 2?


67. Do you have any hobbies?

reading writing blogging singing

68. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?

Harry Potter

69. Can you tell me what question 17 was?

what time is it

70. It was "what’s the time" what is the time now?


71. Do you have a DVD player?


72. Name a famous tennis player

venus williams

73. Have you got any sisters or brothers?


74. Have you done your homework?


75. Are you sick of answering yet?


Saturday, October 8, 2005



Time Now: 2:22pm

Name: Vickey

Age: 15

Gender: female

Siblings: 3-Joey, Sami, Timmy

Pets:Zuri (my kitten)


Residence: townhouse

B/F or G/F:dont have a bf

Friends: too many to count :)

A Lil More Personal

Hair Color: brown w/red highlights

Eye Color: light brown

Weight: aprx 105

Height: 5'2"

Nationality: american

Are You A Virgin: yes

How Far Have You Gone: been felt up against my will

How Many B/F's or G/F's Have You Had: one

How Many People Have You Hooked Up With: none

Have You Ever Hooked Up With Random People: no

Have You Ever Done Anything With The Opp. Sex: held hands and can't really explain what happened with Murph...

[deleted the "sex" section]


Food: dunno






Day Of Week:friday

Place To Be:PHots

Sport: FOCUS MIND! (sry bout that) football

Guys Name: Aaron

Girls Name: Isabella

Animal: kitty

Sports Team: New England Patriots

Clothing Brand: mudd

Shoe Brand: hanes

Band: the click five right now

Singer:keith urban

Book:The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

Movie: Moulin Rouge


Soda: code red mt dew

Season: autumn

Ice Cream: haagen daz

Candy: chocolate

Gum: bubblelicous watermelon

This Or That

Pepsi/Coke: generic cola

Chicken/Beef: beef




Blonde/Brunette: brunette

Blue/Green: green

Red/Pink: red

Black/White: black

Basketball/Football: football

Tall/Short:taller than me

Have You Ever

Drove A Car: ish

Flew In An Airplane:yes

Had Sex:no

Swam With Dolphins:no

Gone Skydiving:not yet

Skinny-Dipped:next summer

Peed Your Pants(besides when you were little): no

Had An Alein Encounter: no

Been Bit By A Dog:yes

Done Drugs:not illegal ones

Drank Alcohol:tried it



Best Friend:i've got a few



Dumbest:no comment


Most Athletic:russo

Nicest:all of em




Most Like You: idk


Always There For You:a lot of them

Makes You Laugh The Most:jack

Other Stuff

Who Will You Send This To: my blog

Who Is Most Likely To Answer:idk

Least Likely To Answer:idk

What Do You Think Of The Person Who Sent It:got it off

Are You Annoyed Yet:no

Do You Like Surveys:yes

Time Now:2:31pm

These surveys are a waste of time. Gonna go read or something.

Love always,


Start Time: 2:12pm

(1) Full Name: Victoria Elizabeth

(2) Date of Birth: 2/20/90

(3) Age: nearly 16

(4) Height: 5' 2"

(5) Weight: about 100 lbs

(6) Sex: female

(7) Hair Color: brown but looks redish still

(8) Eye Color: today? light brown-ish

(9) Where do you live: upstate NY

(10)What school do you go to: high school

(11)Astrological Sign: pisces

(12)Phone number: 867-5309

(13)Favorite car: 1966 red convertible corvette

(14)Favorite color: purple

(15)Favorite food:dunno

(16)Favorite animal: koala or kitten

(17)Favorite scent: homebaked bread

(18)Favorite sex position: VIRGIN

(19)Favorite dental floss: cherry flavored

(20)Favorite Soda: code red mt. dew

(21)Favorite candy bar: Dawn! lol ummm baby ruth

(22)Favorite perfume/cologne: still by JLo for me and Drakar Noir for guys

(23)Favorite fast food: McDonalds/wendys/taco bell

(24)Favorite movie: Moulin Rouge

(25)Favorite music: country

(26)Favorite restaurant: roadhouse steakhouse

(27)Favorite T.V. show: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh Dawsons Creek?

(28)Favorite alcohol beverage: haven't tasted any alcohol that i like

(29)Coke OR Pepsi: generic cola

(30)Shower OR Bath: bath

(31)Brussel sprouts OR Alfalfa: ew

(32)Sex on the beach OR Sand in your crotch: lol beach hold the sex

(33)Poop OR Pee: wtf?

(34)Day OR Night: night

(35)Shy OR Outgoing: shy until i get to know you

(36)Guys OR Girls: guys for flirting girls for hanging

(37)No phone or No T.V.: no tv

(38)Summer OR Winter: autumn

(39)Do you have a crush: yeppers

(40)If yes to #39, then who: Josh

(41)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope

(42)If yes to # 41, then who+how old is he/she:

(43)What is it that you like in him/her: What do I like about Josh? His eyes, his sense of humor, how at ease I am around him

(44)What is it that you dislike about him/her: he can be a jerk sometimes and he can come thisclose to giving away secrets that ae better left under wraps

(45)Ever kissed some1: no

(46)If yes to #45, then who:

(47)Describe your first kiss: after i have it i will

(48)Are you a virgin: yep

(49)Did you like this survey: not really

(50)Are you still bored: yes

End Time: 2:21pm (less than 10 minutes killed)


1 MINUTE AGO: I was looking through surveys to find one I wanted to do.

1 HOUR AGO: I was probably still in my PJs w/unbrushed teeth, ICK!

1 DAY AGO: exactly, I was waiting to get out of English class.

1 WEEK AGO:  I was at Mom's

1 YEAR AGO: I was struggling through a day of school after partying at Jack's the night before

1 YEAR FROM NOW:  I'll be nearly 17 with a license and a car

1 WEEK FROM NOW: I'll be back here again.

1 DAY FROM NOW: I should be watching movies with Lindz and Mag and dying Mag's hair

1 HOUR FROM NOW:  I'll probably be shaving my legs

1 MINUTE FROM NOW: I'll be working on this survey and getting another glass of OJ *does that*

I HURT: for those I love

I LOVE:  dancing in the rain

I HATE: hate

I FEAR: cancer

I HOPE: for a better school year than what has begun

I FEEL: like I'm being useless today.

I HIDE: from myself through the lies I construct.

I DRIVE:  people crazy

I LEARNED: that a broken heart does not the world end.

I NEED:  to talk to Sayid and see Josh.

I THINK: about him way too much.

I DREAM: and mostly do not remember my dreams but I do remember dreaming about him last night and DAMN did he look hot.

I WANT: to figure things out and decide if wanting to kiss him so badly in my dream means I'm ready to kiss him.

I MISS: life without a daily headache. (getting better recently)

I BELIEVE: in a thing called Love and in a Higher Power.

Saturday Six

1. What's your favorite brand and flavor of ice cream when you go grocery shopping?  Is there any of it in your freezer right now?

Ummm..... it really depends on my mood. But there is a half gallon of this banana fudge ice cream in my freezer that's really damn good.

2. When was the last time you ate a fresh fruit as a snack rather than something not "diet friendly?"

Oh, I never eat stuff b/c it's "diet friendly". If it's good for me, that's a plus. I eat it b/c I like it. I had an apple a few days ago, I think.

3. Take this quiz:  What language should you learn?
<br ="">You Should Learn SwedishFantastisk! You're laid back about learning a language - and about life in general.
Peaceful, beautiful Sweden is ideal for you... And you won't even have to speak perfect Swedish to get around!
What Language Should You Learn?

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #72 from Cdmmw2:  If you could relive one moment of your life and watch it (like a movie) but not interfere, what would it be?

I wouldn't want to. I mean, how akward would that be? To watch that? If I HAD to pick one, I'd probably pick one of the happier ones.

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #73 from Debbie:  What was something you were afraid of as a child?  Did you overcome the fear?

The dark. For the most part.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #74 from Anna:   If someone were to open your refrigerator right now, what item would it embarrass you most for them to find?

Umm... that's a good question. Let's go look in the damn fridge. I have to eat breakfast anyhow. The slim fast in the bottom drawer, I guess. It's been there for forever b/c it ummmm doesn't agree with my digestive system.

Weekend Assignment

Weekend Assignment #80: Share a favorite joke. Keep it clean, of course. Otherwise, go nuts.

Extra credit: Seriously: Do people think you're funny?

Oooooooo! I *just* thought of a joke for the weekend assignment.

So a duck walks into a store and asks the clerk "Got any gwapes?". The clerk replies, "We don't sell grapes." Next day, duck walks into the same store and asks the same clerk "Got any gwapes?" "We don't sell grapes." Every day for a week this happens. The clerk is getting understandly annoyed at this. One day, the duck walks in and says "Got any gwapes?" "No. We don't have any grapes. And if you ask me that one more time I'll staple your beak shut!" Next day, duck walks in. "Got any staples?" "No." "Got any gwapes?" :-)

Extra Credit: And I've been told that I'm funny but I don't see it. My humor isn't something I can plan. Like, I'm horrid at telling jokes (well, I do have a few that I can tell but they weren't appropriate for this assignment) but I can make a quick comment that'll crack everybody up.


Friday, October 7, 2005

Friday Five

1. How long have you had your Journal?

I've got numerous journals. This particular one was created May 15, 2005

2. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your Journal?

*This* journal is to do surveys and quizzes in.

3. If you could change something about your personal blogging style, what would it be?

I wish I was freer with what I wrote and could capture happiness better in words

4. What are your criteria for adding someone to your friends journal roll?

If I like them, I'll read them.

5. Name one thing that you've never before written about in your Journal.

It depends on the journal. In any journal? Umm..... have I written about Aric? Probably... let's see.... how much I chew ice?

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Musical Survey


Female singer: (Omg so read that wrong!) Meredith Brooks

Male singer: Keith Urban

Band: Rascall Flatts

 A fav. Song: For Good from Wicked

Love song: At the moment, I pick Skin by Rascall Flatts

Rock song: define rock

Rap song: don't like rap much

Hip hop song: something from Homecoming   

Who or What:

Who do you think is the hottest singer or band member? Keith Urban, baby!

Who is your favorite singer that has also been in movies? idk

What is your favorite song from a genre that you normally don't like? ummmmm something by Mozart

 Who's your favorite one hit wonder or name one that you can think of? uhhhhhh the macarana?


Misc Q's:  

 Ever been to a rave?nope

A club? not old enough

Been out dancing anywhere? hell yeah

Did you go to school dances? yes

Prom? i plan on it

Ever been out at a fancy restaurant that had a pianist or band? not yet

Do you burn CD's or buy them, or both? both

Ever been to a concert(s) or do you attend them more than once a year? i go to them now and then

Favorite concert? the concert for the families every year


Favorite music video, or one you can think of? i'll go with Concrete Angel by Martina McBride (SO SAD!)

Favorite all time radio station? depends. either WBEE, PXY, The Mix, Warm, or The Light (92.5, 97.9, 100.5, 101.3, or 102.7)

Favorite DJ? Billy Kidd on WBEE or my stepdaddy :)

Guitar or Piano? acustic guitar

Violin or Harp? harp

Drums or Trumpets? trumpets

Tambourine or Harmonica? tambourine

Do you listen to music in the shower? most times (shower radio)

Car? yep

At the computer? sometimes (most times actually)

Do you use headphones? at the computer? no and it gets me in trouble

Do you own a stereo? a clock radio

Cd player? duh

 An i pod? nope

 Do you enjoy reggea? not really

Nature sounds? real but not fake

Oldies? define oldies

Country? HELL YEAH!

Christian/Gospel? the contemporary stuff

Ever been to musicals, opera's or plays? Name one if yes? HS plays/musicals, yes. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest last year 

Favorite play? idk

Do you sing? constantly!

Do you dance? horribly

Do you and your lover have a song together? If this applies to you what song? don't have a lover

Are you a musician? yes. I'm a singer. :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Tuesday Two


Do you think that sex before marriage is ever acceptable?


If your kids should ask your thoughts on premarital sex, would you feed the need to "fudge" your answer so they wouldn't find out that you didn't follow your own advice?

Let me say here and now that I do not like these questions. I do not want to answer them and I do not feel that it's right for me personally to have an opinion on this issue. But regardless, I choose question A. This question has about a billion different facets in it. I am the product of premarital sex. My older brother is. And so is my little sister. One of my best friends is currently pregnant at 15 by way of premarital sex. For my entire life (well, as long as I've known what sex was), I've *known* that I wouldn't have sex until I was married. And now I'm slightly reconsidering. I refuse to do so unless I'm in love and unless I think I'm going to spend the rest of my life with them. I will not have a one night stand. I will not just have sex to fulfill an urge, a desire. At this point in my life, I'm hardly thinking about *kissing* let alone sex so I'll tell you when I start thinking about that. As for how I stand on the rest of the world, if you want to, I can't stop you but PLEASE know the risks and the consequences. Please be safe. Please know what you're getting yourself into. Be ready to deal with a pregnancy. Be ready to deal with STD's. Be ready to deal with all that. I don't suggest doing it but, I can't stop you. That's it for this question. This meme is over, baby!

Monday, October 3, 2005

18 Questions from Dawn

1. If you could build a second house anywhere where would it be? North Carolina. I hear it's gorgeous.

2. What's your favorite article of clothing? Tight jeans!

3. The last cd you bought? Anna Dagmar, I think

4. What time do you wake up in the morning? About 6am

5. What's your favorite kitchen appliance? My blender

6. If you could play an instrument. The piano

7. What are your favorite colors? Purple, silver, black, red

8. Do you believe in afterlife? Without a doubt

9. Which do you prefer sports car or suv? Sports car

10. Favorite children's book? Something about Mush the space dog

11. What is your favorite season? Autumn. The leaves, the smells, the sights *sigh*

12. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Selective invisibility

13. If you have a tattoo, what is it? Don't have one yet but I want one!

14. Can you juggle? Nope 

15. Name one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?  My great-grandpa

16. What's your favorite day? I'm goin with REAL Fridays

17. What's in the trunk of your car? Don't have a car!

18. Which do you prefer sushi or hamburger? Cheeseburger baby!

Saturday Six

1. How many AOL J-landers have you actually met in person?

One. But I knew Lindz before she started blogging.

2. How many photos that you have taken yourself are hanging on display in your home in a size of 8x10 or larger?  (The print, not the frame!)


3. How far do you live from your job?  What is your commute time like?  Has the distance prompted you to consider alternative transportation because of gas prices?

I go to high school and live about a mile or two. I take the bus and it takes about 20 minutes because of the route we take.

4. Take this quiz:   What decade does your personality live in?
<br ="">

what decade does your personality live in?

quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #70 from Kris:  What is the funniest, most original Halloween costume you've ever seen?

A deviled egg

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #71 from Courtenay: What is your favorite paragraph in a literary work?  This might be a thought, or a message, or a descriptive passage which has remained in your consciousness throughout the years.  Be sure to post the name of the book and author.

Ummm.... something from The Notebook but I can't pick one paragraph in particular.