Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday Five


1.  When you were in school, favorite subject and why.

I am in school and my favorite subject changes based on the class and the teacher. I always love whatever musical classes (aka singing) I take. In eighth I LOVED social studies because my teacher was GREAT. He's also the head football coach. For a guy his age, he looks really good. Honestly. And he always teased everyone just the right amount. In ninth I loved math because I had Stewart. And he always picked on Lindz and I just the right amount and flirted-ish just the right amount and taught really well and let Lindz and I laugh and talk so long as we got our work done. And ninth grade math is mainly algebra which I love. This year, I don't particularly care for any of my classes but there's this hot guy in my English class (who I asked for the notes today instead of asking one of the girls I know in that class hehe ^_^) who makes it worth it.

2.  Were you a good student? What were your grades?

I'm a good student most of the time. If I apply myself, I can get an A. My grades range from B- to A+.

3.  Do you attend your kids Open Houses and if you don't have kids, did your parents attend your Open Houses when you were in school?

My parents really don't go to my open houses. They did when I was little but haven't in years.

4. The teacher who made the most impact on you and why.

Ummm....I'm gonna go with Mrs. Foro. She was my kindergarten and first grade teacher and I loved her. I was totally teacher's pet. Hell, she went to my birthday party when I turned 6! lol She was really nice and kind and treated me as an adult. I was really advanced as a child and she let me do first grade work in kindergarten and then some second grade work in first grade. She tailored things to my level more than most teachers would have. Another teacher that impacted me negatively was Mrs. Wonder. I had her for second grade and she is the one that made me detest school. I hated it. I firmly believe the only thing that ever challenged me all year was ONE math packet and Opprotunity. (Opprotunity was a class for advanced students grades 3-6 but because I was so unchallenged in my class and so smart-not to be concieted but I was-they let me in in the 2nd grade.) She was horrid. As wonderful as Mrs. Foro was, Mrs. Wonder was that bad (or worse).

5.  How many different elementary schools did you attend growing up?

Two. My first elementary school was K-6 and I went there til a few months into fifth. Then I moved here and went to elementary for a year. Then they had a middle school (6-8) and now I'm at the high school (9-12). So two elementaries, one middle, and one high school.

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