Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Tuesday Two


Do you think that sex before marriage is ever acceptable?


If your kids should ask your thoughts on premarital sex, would you feed the need to "fudge" your answer so they wouldn't find out that you didn't follow your own advice?

Let me say here and now that I do not like these questions. I do not want to answer them and I do not feel that it's right for me personally to have an opinion on this issue. But regardless, I choose question A. This question has about a billion different facets in it. I am the product of premarital sex. My older brother is. And so is my little sister. One of my best friends is currently pregnant at 15 by way of premarital sex. For my entire life (well, as long as I've known what sex was), I've *known* that I wouldn't have sex until I was married. And now I'm slightly reconsidering. I refuse to do so unless I'm in love and unless I think I'm going to spend the rest of my life with them. I will not have a one night stand. I will not just have sex to fulfill an urge, a desire. At this point in my life, I'm hardly thinking about *kissing* let alone sex so I'll tell you when I start thinking about that. As for how I stand on the rest of the world, if you want to, I can't stop you but PLEASE know the risks and the consequences. Please be safe. Please know what you're getting yourself into. Be ready to deal with a pregnancy. Be ready to deal with STD's. Be ready to deal with all that. I don't suggest doing it but, I can't stop you. That's it for this question. This meme is over, baby!

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