First best friend: Michelle
First true friend: Tori
First car: don't have one (still got a couple months til I get my permit)
First kiss: waiting impatiently
First break-up: 7/6/05
First screen name: QTKat1234
First self purchased album: Shania Twain
First funeral: none (da je vu! i swear i've been in this situation before)
First pets: smokey my cat
First piercing/tattoo: my ears
First credit card: none yet
First true love: only that which i feel for my family and friends
First enemy: idk
First big trip: ummm Niagra Falls I think. second grade.
First music you remember hearing in your house: idk
Last car ride: coming home from shopping with my gramma for shoes :)
Last kiss: probably when i kissed Ali on the forehead a week ago
Last good cry: idk. oh, yesterday.
Last library book checked out: Practical Magic, Chocolat, and something else
Last movie seen: Chicago
Last beverage: apple cider
Last food consumed: currently eating a pizza bagel for dinner
Last crush: this guy in my english class
Last phone call: lindz
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: my falling apart sneaks
Last item bought: sexy boots
Last annoyance: my brother ragging on me about "keeping the money" (it was mine to begin with)
Last time wanting to die: a long long time ago, thank God
Last time scolded:earlier today
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends? let's start with the ladies who lunch...
jack, sayid, and russo. add lindz, mag, and ali. plus others i can't
recall and then b, michael, sara, dawn, promise, meg, and way too many
more to list. (sry if i didn't include u)
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. where is your favorite place to shop? payless
02. any tattoos or piercings? just ears for now
s p e c i f i c s
01. do you do drugs? only, like, advil
02. what kind of shampoo do you use? thermasilk. ick.
03. what are you most scared of? divorcing. not finding true love. being forgotten.
04. what are you listening to right now? my idiot brother, me typing, and the football game
05. where do you want to get married? a gorgeous church or somewhere nice outside
06. how many buddies are online right now? 30 but some ppl have more than 1 sn
07. what would you change about yourself? my will power and amount i procrastinate
f a v o r i t e s
01. color: purple
02. food:chocolate, sweets, pizza bagels, hibachi chicken
03. boys' names: Garrett, Michael, Issac
04. girls' names: Isabella, Esperanza, Jasmine
05. subjects in school: depends on the teacher but over all, math and english and chorale
07. sports: ick (mostly)
08. perfume: my mom's. exclaimation.
09. cologne: my dad's. drakar noir
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. given anyone a bath? my little sister
02. smoked? nope
03. bungee jumped? no, but i want to
04. made yourself throw up? no, but i came close last night
05. skinny dipped? not yet
06: ever been in love? no
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no. i can't cry on demand but instead of holding back my tears, i'll make 'em more dramatic to get out of trouble
08. pictured your crush naked? no
09. actually seen your crush naked? no
10. cried when someone died? yes.
11. lied? too often
12. fallen for your best friend? he wasn't exactly my best friend but he sure was a great one
13. been rejected? idk
14. rejected someone? yes. guys've asked me out and i said no.
15. used someone? prolly
c u r r e n t
clothes: socks, purple sweats, 3/4 length shirt, and a scarf :)
music: nothing. just the dryer run with my clothes and my keys hit the keyboard. it's nice. quiet.
make-up: remains of two lipsticks i bought today and HAD to see how they looked, blush, under eye crap, and eye shadow
annoyance: my arms hurt from typing but i can deal with that
smell: nothing really
favorite artist: ummm Picasso, Monet, Jackson Pollock
desktop picture:

cd in player: keith urban
dvd in player: no dvd player
color of toenails: hot pink
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: my gramma?
you imed: lindz's cell
you kissed: ali's forehead a week ago
a r e | y o u
understanding: I try to be <~stealing meg's answer
open-minded: yes
arrogant: not mostly
insecure: too often
interesting: yes
hungry: not at the moment
smart: does high honor roll make you smart?
moody: yes
hardworking: ish
organized: not enough
healthy: not enough
attractive: yes
bored easily: no
responsible: mostly
obsessed: with blogging, guys, and make-up
angry: far far too much
Sad: not right now
disappointed: not now
happy: no but i'm content
hyper: not today but i can be off the walls hyper
trusting: too much
talkative: when i'm hyper
legal: is 15 and 8 months legal?
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: nobody but i might say i wanna
slap: that slut
look like: marilyn monroe. only brunette. and less of a breathy voice.
talk to offline: my mom, my sister, a bunch of JLand friends that I'd like to meet
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: exhausted
all i need is: true love
love is: a many splendored thing love lifts us up where we belong all you need is love.
i dream about: true love
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: generic cola!
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: taller than me <~omg so stealing meg's answer since that's what i always put!
r a n d o m
what do you notice first: smile and eyes <~another answer i'm stealing
last person you danced with: one on one? josh
worst question to ask: "do you hate me?" or "are you mad at me?"
who makes you laugh the most: JACK!
who makes you smile: sami, zuri, ray, jack, sayid, russo
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: josh but it's not that good funny feeling anymore. it's a "idk how i'm supposed to act around my bff's ex-bf who i had a major crush on but i don't anymore and i danced with him and now he's just trying to screw some freshman slut" feeling.
who do you have a crush on: cute guy in my english class
who has a crush on you: I dont know, but i think the cashier at wegman's (who was in my 5th grade class) thought i was cute
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: not all night but for hours
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
wish you were younger: yes. seven seems to hold this magical charm.
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: once majorly
of hearts i have broken: none i know of
of guys i've kissed: none
of girls i've kissed: zero
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: at least 5, prolly more
of cds i own: over 30
of scars on body: numerous ones from bug bites
of guys you want at the moment: at least one
That's it. I gotta go pack. Ugh. My silence has just been broken by a moron using the bathroom. Silence resumes and I gotta go pack and then do the hw I've put off all weekend.
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