- Virus::HIV
- Poop::y head
- Smart::aleck
- Agent::man (secret agent man)
- Wrap::bubble
- Brass::woodwind
- Waste of time::this journal
- Suspicious::activities
- 360::degree turn around
- Dummy::crash test
The questions:
Question A:
What was the last song you heard on the radio that really hit anerve with you? What about it made you really feel like it was written about you?
If your worst enemy is someone besides you, what would it take to resolve the situation...and what would it take for you to be the one to start that process?
I choose A because I wanted to answer it the first time around. Now the answer is different then it would've been though. Christmas Shoes would be the last one played on the radio but Holes in the Floor of Heaven would be the last one I heard. Christmas Shoes is a very touching song and it gives me goosebumps. It's about this little boy that wants his mama to look beautiful if she meets Jesus Christmas Eve. He tries to buy her a pair of gold shoes (just her size) but doesn't have enough money. He asks the person behind him what is he gonna do because somehow he has to buy her those Christmas shoes. (Can you tell I'm quoting the song liberally?) So the singer of the song (who was behind him) lays the money down, s/he (depending on the version of the song) just had to help him out. It gives me goosebumps just writing that.
Next, Holes in the Floor of Heaven. If you haven't heard it, you're missing out. It's another beautiful song by Steve Wariner. As some of you know, my great-grandma passed away ten days ago (12/15). I wasn't very close to her but when we were at the funeral home my mum had made a CD to be played. One of the songs was Holes in the Floor of Heaven. It starts out from the singer's perspective. He was one day shy of eight years old when his grandma passed away. A broken hearted little boy, blowin out that birthday cake. His mom told him "don't be sad because Grandma's watchin you today. There's holes in the floor of heaven and her tears are pourin down, that's how you know she's watchin wishin she could be here now and sometimes when you're lonely just remember she can see cuz there's holes in the floor of heaven and she's watchin over you and me." (Couldn't keep from quoting.) It goes on to talk about how he falls in love and gets married to a woman he thought he'd grow old with. She passes away and once again he remembers the holes in the floor of heaven. His little girl is getting married and he says "It's a shame your mom can't be here now to see your lovely smile" and he'd obviously told her about the holes because "as the rain comes pourin down she takes [his] hand says Daddy don't be sad cuz I know Mama's watching now". This song made me cry when I heard it at the funeral.
Saturday Six Episode 88
1. How much of your Christmas shopping and holiday card mailing do you have left to accomplish? When do you expect to finish it if you haven't already?
Okay, it's Christmas Day so this is kinda odd but, I'm late. I have to send out ALL my cards and gifts still and still have to MAKE the gifts. I'm going to do 'em either today or tomorrow or something.
2. When giving gifts to co-workers or casual friends, how much importance do you place on the value of the gift you're giving them versus the value of the gift you imagine they're giving you?
Umm... idk?
3. What are you secretly hoping someone will give you for Christmas that you haven't specifically asked for?
I've already got my Christmas gifts but, one thing I wanted was Sparks' new books and my grandmother got them for me last night. :)
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): Which Jones Holiday Soda Flavor are you?
You Are Pecan Pie Soda

5. Would you actually try that flavor?
If you paid me enough.
6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #78 from Carly: If you could step into the life of any fictional Christmas character -- Scrooge, Rudolph, Frost, etc. -- and live that part, which character would you choose and why?
Ummm... gosh. I have no idea, honestly. Cindy Loo Who in the cartoon version. Because she's so cute.
Saturday Six Episode 89
1. Which of the following generally costs you more: a normal trip to your barber/hairstylist, your usual lunch at your favorite restaurant, the most recent amount you paid to fill up your gas tank, or your biggest single contribution to a single charity in 2005?
I haven't paid for any of these things.
2. What drink -- alcoholic or not -- do you drink entirely too much of?
3. Did you receive a Christmas card from anyone you didn't send one to? Did you send them a belated card in return?
Yes. B and Sara and I plan on sending them each one (along with some other people) but haven't sent them out yet.
4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What is most important in your life?
Fun is most important in your life.
Having a high focus on fun indicates that you value your own enjoyment over anything else. And there is nothing wrong with that. Your motto is we're here for a good time - not a long time.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com
5. Before taking the quiz, which of its categories (career, love, money, health, family or fun) would you have said would be your answer?
6. Do you believe in soulmates? Do you think that there are at least one out there for every person, that there is a single "true" soulmate for every person, or that there aren't soulmates for everyone?
In a sense, yes. I believe there is someone out there for everyone but I don't know about the whole "one person for everyone" thing. I believe that there is someone for everyone but that who you are meant to be with changes. Like when you're 17 your sweetheart might be your soulmate. S/he's who you're meant to be with at that point. But that same person is not always the right person for you when you're 27 or 42 or 56 or 98. But there IS someone for everyone.
Monday Madness
1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you.
Mariah my doll.
2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child.
House and school.
3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now.
Mushrooms, broccoli, and salad.
4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like.
Fish (particularly sushi), horseradish, spinach, and pureed squash.